"Volume 2, No. 1"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children





Contributing Authors

Abbs, Peter. “Logic and Teaching,” from Autobiography in Education. 34.

Berdyaev, Nicolas. “On Developing My Own Line of Thought,” from Dream and Reality: An Easy in Autobiography. 34.

Bayles, Ernest E. “The Function of Criteria in Education,” from Pragmatism in Education. 16.

Diller, Ann. “Knowing Better.” 4­-10.

Everett, Charles, Warren. “How to tell a Young Philosopher,” from The Education of Jeremy Bentham. 16.

Einstein, Albert. “Education as the Development of Thinking and Judgment,” from Out of My Later Years. 14.

Friquegnon, Mary­-Louise. “Rights and Responsibilities of Young People.” 11­-13.

Higa, William R. “Philosophy for Children in Hawaii: A Quantitative Evaluation.” 21-­31.

Hughes, Richard. “Children Discover Their Identity,” from A High Wind in Jamaica. 34.

Jung, Carl Gustav. “The Morality of Mathematics,” from Memories, Dreams, Reflections. 33.

Key, Ellen. “The Child and the Future,” from The Century of the Child. 14.

Lawrence, D.H. “Education of the People.” 43-­49.

Mead, Margaret. “Grandparents as Educators,” from The Family as Educator. 50­-52.

Pritchard, Michael S. “Philosophical Encounters with Children.” 65-­67.

Reed, Ronald L. “Fifth-­Graders Discuss Evidence, Knowledge, and Truth.” 68­-71.

Saint Augustine. “Education as Learning from Oneself,” from The Teacher. 15.

Saw, Ruth L. “Conversation and Communication.” 55-­64.

Schwab, Joseph J. “On Building a Community of Inquiry,” Part I from The Great Ideas Today. Part II from The Center Magazine. 20-­25.

Thompson, Al & Adrian Du Puis. “Philosophy for Children in Mexico.” 17­-220.

Unknown. “A State Evaluation of a Philosophy for Children Program.”, 32.

Woodbridge, F. J. E. “Learning and Education,” from Minnesota Alumni Weekly. 15.

Williams, William Carlos. “Poetry as the Model Embodiment of Knowledge,” from The embodiment of Knowledge. 16.

Yeats, William Butler. “A Letter to Michael’s Schoolmaster,” from Explorations. 15.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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