"Volume 17, No. 4"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children





Contributing Authors

Garcia­-Moriyon, Felix, Irene Rebollo and Roberto Colom. “Evaluating Philosophy for Children: A Meta­ Analysis.” 14­-22.

Kennedy, Nadia Stoyanova. “ Fifth Graders Discuss the Liar Paradox.” 47­-50.

Matthews, Gareth B. “Review of Jim Benton, Franny K. Stein: Mad Scientist ­ The Fran that Time Forgot.” 3.

Naji, Saeed and Lipman, Matthew. “An Interview with Matthew Lipman.” 23­-29.

Reznitskaya, Alina. “Empirical Research in Philosophy for Children: Limitations and New Directions.” 4­-13.

Roemischer, John. “The logic of Relations: Structures in Children’s Literature as Channels for Teaching Philosophy to Children.” 30-­33.

Scholl, Rosie. “Student Questions: Developing Critical and Creative Thinkers.” 34­-46.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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