"Volume 2, Nos. 3 & 4"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children




3, 4

Contributing Authors

Aristotle. “Education as Critical Competence,” from On the Parts of Animals. 35.

Boole, Mary E. “Preparing Children to Study Science,” from The Preparation of the Child for Science. 72-­75.

Collingwood, R. G. “Poetic and Philosophical Thinking,” from The Principles of Art. 37.

Ramsey, Frank. “Philosophy and the Search for Meanings,” from The Foundation of Mathematics. 37.

Geach, P. T. “On Supposing,” from Reason and Argument. 35.

Clegg, Sir Alec. “On Doings Children’s Thinking for Them,” from Revolution in the British Primary Schools. 35.

Gorky, Maxim. “Recollections of Home and School.” 38-­41.

Hamlyn, D. W. “What are the Goals of Conceptual Development?” from Theodore Mischel (Ed.) Cognitive Development and Epistemology. 36.

Hand, Learne. “Children Playing,” from Federal Bar Journal. 33.

Ingelow, Jean. “The History of an Infancy,” from Longman’s Magazine. 42-­45.

Kant, Immanuel. “The Concept of Logic,” from Logic. 34.

Klahr, David. “Problem Solving and Common Sense,” from Robert S. Siegler (Ed.) Children’s Thinking: What Develops? 37.

Korczac, Janusz. “The Child’s Right to be Respected.” 25-­27.

Kenna, Eileen. “Philosophy Finds a Place in Public School,” from Express. 76­-78.

Lipman, Matthew. “Developing Philosophies of Childhood.” 4-­7.

Maccia, George S. “On Teaching Philosophy.” 91.

Matthews, Gareth. Rev. of “Tuck Everlasting,” by Natalie Babbitt. 95.

Maimon, Solomon. “Encouraging Inquisitiveness,” from An Autobiography. 33.

Muir, Edwin. “The Several Zones of Childhood,” from Edwin Muir: An Autobiography. 55­-59.

Olson, David R. and Jerome S. Bruner. “Intelligence as a Repertoire of Thinking Skills,” from Media and Symbols: The Form of Expressions, Communication and Education. 34.

Orwell, George. “Such, Such Were the Joys,” from Sonia Brownell Orwell (Ed.) The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. 48­-51.

Peters, R. S. “On the Need for Objectivity in Teaching,” from Education and Initiation. 36.

Paget, Stephen. “The Way of Wonder.” 28­-30.

Paul, Leslie. “The Logic of Childhood,” from The Living Hedge. 60­-63.

Petty, Walter. “Assessing Children’s Understanding of Composition,” from Gay Su Pinnell (Ed.) Discovering Language with Children. 89­-90.

Raine, Kathleen. “Farewell Happy Fields,” from Farewell Happy Fields: Memories of Childhood. 64­-67.

Rev. of “On Teaching Philosophy.” Ed. by George S. Maccia. 91.

Ruddick, William. “Misunderstanding Children.” 16­-18.

Ruskin, John. “The Harry and Lucy Story,” from Praeterita. 52­-54.

Schilder, Paul. “Thinking as the Continuous Establishment of Relationships,” from Medical Psychology. 33.

Stenhouse, Lawrence. “Criteria and Curriculum,” from Culture and Education. 37.

Unknown. “From the Autobiographical Letters of S. T. Coleridge.” 46­-47.

Unknown. “Responsibility as Being Answerable When One is Addressed,” from Between Man and Man. 38.

Unknown. “Writing, Thinking and Discovering,” from Latitudes. 35.

Van Doren, Mark. “On Talking With Student,” from The Autobiography of Mar Van Doren. 36.

Whitman, Walt. “Walt Whitman on Education,” from Brooklyn Daily Eagle. 84-­85.

Wilbur, Richard; See Adrian DuPuis and A. Gray Thompson. “On the Importance of the Unknown” and “What Poetry Does With Ideas,” from On My Own Work. 35.

Wolfe, Thomas. “The Compulsions of Childhood,” from “The Web and the Rock.” 68­69.

Woodbridge, Frederick J. E. “The Discovery of the Mind,” from Columbia University Quarterly. 37.

Yeazell, Mary I. “What Happens to Teachers Who Teach Philosophy to Children?” 86­88.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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