Start Date
21-3-2022 5:30 PM
End Date
21-3-2022 7:30 PM
White evangelical Christians in the U.S. resist masking and COVID-19 vaccinations at a higher rate than any other religious group. Yet, religious conviction alone does not adequately capture the complex web of the reasons for this opposition, reasons that have implications beyond pandemic mandates. The Department of Religion invites you to explore these reasons and implications for American society in the second of three installments of the series Angry Religion: The Rise of American Theocracy — “Anti-mask, Anti-vax, Anti-American” — a panel that discusses the intersections of religious freedom, science, and politics.
Anti-Mask, Anti-Vax, Anti-American?: How COVID Denialism Became a Religious Conviction
White evangelical Christians in the U.S. resist masking and COVID-19 vaccinations at a higher rate than any other religious group. Yet, religious conviction alone does not adequately capture the complex web of the reasons for this opposition, reasons that have implications beyond pandemic mandates. The Department of Religion invites you to explore these reasons and implications for American society in the second of three installments of the series Angry Religion: The Rise of American Theocracy — “Anti-mask, Anti-vax, Anti-American” — a panel that discusses the intersections of religious freedom, science, and politics.
Angry Religion: The Rise of American Theocracy explores how religion is fueling a rise of acrimony among the US polity on issues of race, gender, public health, and sources of information by examining three contemporary developments: the specter of white Christian nationalism, anti-mask and anti-vaccine stances, and the links between conspiracy theories and religious belief.