"MEC-10 and MEC-19 Reduce the Neurotoxicity of the MEC-4(D) DEG/ENaC Ch" by Yushu Chen, Shashank Bharill et al.

MEC-10 and MEC-19 Reduce the Neurotoxicity of the MEC-4(D) DEG/ENaC Channel in Caenorhabditis Elegans

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The Caenorhabditis elegans DEG/ENaC proteins MEC-4 and MEC-10 transduce gentle touch in the six touch receptor neurons . Gain-of-function mutations of mec-4 and mec-4(d) result in a hyperactive channel and neurodegeneration in vivo. Loss of MEC-6, a putative DEG/ENaC-specific chaperone, and of the similar protein POML-1 suppresses the neurodegeneration caused by a mec-4(d) mutation. We find that mutation of two genes, mec-10 and a new gene mec-19 (previously named C49G9.1), prevents this action of POML-1, allowing the touch receptor neurons to die in poml-1 mec-4(d) animals. The proteins encoded by these genes normally inhibit mec-4(d) neurotoxicity through different mechanisms. MEC-10, a subunit of the mechanosensory transduction channel with MEC-4, inhibits MEC-4(d) activity without affecting MEC-4 expression. In contrast, MEC-19, a membrane protein specific to nematodes, inhibits MEC-4(d) activity and reduces MEC-4 surface expression.


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Published Citation

Chen, Y., Bharill, S., O'Hagan, R., Isacoff, E. Y., & Chalfie, M. (2016). MEC-10 and MEC-19 Reduce the Neurotoxicity of the MEC-4(d) DEG/ENaC Channel in Caenorhabditis elegans. G3 (Bethesda, Md.), 6(4), 1121–1130. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.115.023507

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