Raman Scattering from Single Crystals of the 84-K Superconductor Bi2.2Ca0.8Sr2Cu2O8+Δ
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Physical Review B
We report the Raman spectrum of single crystals of Bi2.2Ca0. 8Sr2Cu2O8+δ. The most prominent features are at 120, 295, 462, and 625 cm-1. The 462-cm-1 mode is tentatively assigned to axial O(3) symmetric stretching. The 625-cm-1 mode is assigned to planar Cu-O(1) bond stretching. The 120-cm-1 mode shows a strong a-b anisotropy. The effect of the b-axis superstructure upon the Raman spectrum is emphasized.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Stavola, Michael; Krol, Denise M.; Schneemeyer, Lynn; Sunshine, Steven A.; Fleming, R. M.; Waszczak, Joseph V.; and Kosinski, S. G., "Raman Scattering from Single Crystals of the 84-K Superconductor Bi2.2Ca0.8Sr2Cu2O8+Δ" (1988). Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 520.