“God Loves All Equally and Infinitely”: A Mixed Methods Analysis of LGBTQ+ Ally Development Within Religious/Spiritual Contexts

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Journal / Book Title

Journal of Homosexuality


Within the United States, conservative theological perspectives have exerted influential sociocultural influences toward LGBTQ+ communities, with profound implications toward ally development. Ally development can present its challenges, especially for those in non-affirming religious and/or spiritual (R/S) contexts. We employed a mixed methods approach, utilizing both Enhanced Critical Incident Technique and chi-square tests of independence, focusing on the self-identified incidents that influenced the internal negotiation process of 315 LGBTQ+ allies within R/S contexts. Participants described critical R/S incidents that impacted their ally development, and these incidents fell into four main categories: (1) the influence of religious organizations, leaderships, and congregants, (2) the impact of meaningful relationships, (3) the experience of spiritual or divine shifting events, and (4) meaning making. Additionally, participants identified wish list items represented by four main themes: (1) fostering ally development, (2) taking action, (3) nothing should have changed, and (4) wishing for support broadly. Chi-square tests of independence revealed that R/S incidences were related to specific wish list items.



Journal ISSN / Book ISBN

85149305678 (Scopus)

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