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Journal / Book Title

The Teacher Educator


The call for preservice teachers to exercise reflective practices has echoed through U.S. education policy and research for a number of years and is evident in U.S. preservice teaching standards. As a result, educator preparation programs are challenged to design learning experiences and assessments that foster reflection skills. This study describes a promising assessment technique, named Assessment360, which can be implemented during coursework to prepare future teachers to be reflective practitioners. Assessment360 is a formative assessment technique in which students reflect on the content of a quiz individually and collaboratively in order to develop a deeper and more integrated understanding of the material. Thirty-one preservice education students enrolled in an undergraduate educational psychology course participated in this research. Results of the questionnaire suggested participation in Assessment360 potentially (a) fostered reflection, (b) encouraged peer interaction and learning (i.e., collaboration), and (c) promoted timely and frequent feedback. Implications and significance are discussed.



Published Citation

Barnes, N., & Gillis, A. (2015). Assessment360: A Promising Assessment Technique for Preservice Teacher Education. The Teacher Educator, 50(4), 288–304.
