Sergey Kirov Cinayeti : Tarih, Bilim ve Anti-Stalinist Paradigma
Grover Furr and Reşat Bilici
Turkish translation of "The Murder of Sergei Kirov."
Krusciov Mentì : La Prova che Tutte le "rivelazioni" Sui "crimini" di Stalin (e di Beria) Nel Famigerato "Rapporto segreto" di Nikita Krusciov al XX Congresso del Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica del 25 Febbraio 1956, sono Dimostrabilmente False
Grover Furr and Serena de Mare
Italian translation of "Khrushchev Lied."
Les Amalgames de Trotsky : Les Mensonges de Trotsky, Les Procès de Moscou par Les Preuves, La Commission Dewey, Les Conspirations Trotskystes des Années Trente
Grover Furr, A. Mercadé, and D. Sillou
French translation of "Trotsky's Amalgams, Trotsky's Lies, the Moscow Trials as Evidence, the Dewey Commission. Trotsky's Conspiracies of the 1930s, Volume One."
ஸ்டாலின் பற்றிய குருச்சேவின் பொய்கள = Sṭāliṉ paṟṟiya kuruccēviṉ poykaḷ
Grover Furr and Che Natesan
Tamil translation of "Khrushchev Lied"
Romantic Education in Nineteenth-Century American Literature : National and Transatlantic Contexts
Monika M. Elbert and Lesley Ginsberg
Оболганный сталинизм. Клевета XX съезда = Obolgannyi Stalinizm. Kleveta XX s'ezda
Grover Furr
Revised version of Antistalinskaia Podlost'
苏共二十大 : "秘密报告"与赫魯曉夫的谎言 = Su gong er shi da : mi mi bao gao yu He Lu Xiao Fu de huang yan
Grover Furr and Weixian Ma
Chinese translation of "Антисталинская подлость" (= Khrushchev Lied)
Kruschev Mintió: La Evidencia de que Cada "Revelación" de los "crímenes" de Stalin (y Beria) en el Infame "Discurso Secreto" de Nikita Kruschev al 20° Congreso del Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética el 25 de Febrero de 1956, es Probablemente Falsa
Grover Furr
Spanish translation of the 2011 edition of "Khrushchev Lied."
Chruschtschows Lügen : die Beweise, dass alle "Enthüllungen" über Stalins (und Berias) "Verbrechen" in Nikita Chruschtschows berüchtigter "Geheimrede" auf dem 20. Parteitag der KPdSU am 25. Februar 1956 nachweislich falsch sind
Grover Furr and Johannes Teuber
German translation of "Khrushchev Lied."
Transnational Gothic : Literary and Social Exchanges in the Long Nineteenth Century
Monika M. Elbert and Bridget M. Marshall
Educators Online : Preparing Today’s Teachers for Tomorrow’s Digital Literacies
Laura M. Nicosia
Educators Online: Preparing Today’s Teachers for Tomorrow’s Digital Literacies, fills a significant and glaring need for professional educators—that is, it prepares instructors to become digital- and tech-savvy. However, this book does not only focus on classroom practice and the delivery of instruction, but also on the scholarly and cocurricular benefits of these technologies for the educators.
My book opens with a discussion of what it means to be an educator participating in the Read/Write web. I explore issues of digital epistemologies and ethnographies, and discuss those areas (both personal and professional) that affect how educators present themselves online. Through both anecdotal and scholarly evidence, I suggest methods of bridging the numerous disconnects that occur in the complex relationships between literacies, schooling, learning and teaching. Essentially, my book informs and instructs today’s educators in these tools that are having such marked impact on our shrinking global, networked, educational cultures. These new technologies are not only changing the nature of literacy in contemporary society; they must also affect corresponding changes in the training of our teachers and teacher educators.
This collection features books and other works published by faculty and scholars in the Department of English, College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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