Viewpoints on Motherhood

Date of Award


Document Type

MSU-Only Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


College of the Arts


Theatre and Dance

Thesis Sponsor/Dissertation Chair/Project Chair

Stefanie Batten Bland

Committee Member

Jessica DiMauro Marks

Committee Member

Laurie Abramson


Viewpoints on Motherhood is a dance film that examines the experience of parenthood throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This film delves into several mothers' perspectives on living through the pandemic as parents of young children and explores this through movement. The three pieces were inspired by interviews with mothers and approached through the lens of Mary Overlie’s Six Viewpoints. Once the themes were chosen, the material was investigated using the viewpoints of space, shape, time, story, movement, and emotion. Research was conducted on Mary Overlie, the founder of the Six Viewpoints and the genesis of her approach. My research extended into a study of Ann Bogart’s adoption of the term Viewpoints for her own acting method. These viewpoints influenced not only the choreography of the pieces, but also the composition of the film itself; viewpoints were utilized in the editing phase of production, which added layers to the visual and auditory experience. The culminating film presents three very different representations of life as a mother during the early months of the pandemic. My hope is to convey some of the struggles - and joys - that so many have experienced over the past few years and inspire choreographers to utilize Viewpoints in composition.


The performance video is restricted to the Montclair State University community but the PDF file of the thesis, which is located at the bottom of the screen, is available to anyone interested in reading it.

File Format


deLaBarre, Margot_Redacted.pdf (1385 kB)
PDF file of written thesis

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