Publications and creative works by faculty in the Department of Family Science and Human Development, College of Education and Human Services, are collected here.


Submissions from 2003

What Happens During the School Day? Time Diaries from a National Sample of Elementary School Teachers, Jodie L. Roth, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Miriam Linver, and Sandra L. Hofferth (2003)

Submissions from 2002

Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Girls' Unhealthy Eating: Testing Reciprocal Effects, Andrea Bastiani Archibald, Miriam Linver, Julia A. Graber, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (2002)

Family Processes as Pathways from Income to Young Children's Development., Miriam Linver, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Dafna E. Kohen (2002)


Harm Reduction and Injection Drug Use: Pragmatic Lessons from a Public Health Model, Robert Reid (2002)

Setting the Clock Forward Or Back? Covenant Marriage and the "Divorce Revolution", Laura Sanchez, Steven L. Nock, James D. Wright, and Constance Gager (2002)

How Money Matters for Young Children's Development: Parental Investment and Family Processes, W. Jean Yeung, Miriam Linver, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (2002)

Submissions from 2000


A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Syringe Exchange Programs, Robert Reid (2000)

Hard Living, Perceived Entitlement to a Great Marriage, and Marital Dissolution, Laura Sanchez and Constance Gager (2000)

Submissions from 1999

The Effects of Family Characteristics and Time Use on Teenagers' Household Labor, Constance Gager, Teresa M. Cooney, and Kathleen Thiede Call (1999)

Parenting Behavior and Emotional Health as Mediators of Family Poverty Effects Upon Young Low-Birthweight Children's Cognitive Ability, Miriam Linver, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Dafna Kohen (1999)

Submissions from 1998

The Task-Centered Model for Field Instruction?, Jonathan Caspi and William J. Reid (1998)

The Role of Valued Outcomes, Justifications, and Comparison Referents in Perceptions of Fairness Among Dual-Earner Couples, Constance Gager (1998)

Hiv/Aids Knowledge, Beliefs, and At-Risk Behaviors in the Chinese American Community, Ada C. Mui and Robert Reid (1998)

Identifying Underlying Dimensions in Spouses' Evaluations of Fairness in the Division of Household Labor, Herbert L. Smith, Constance Gager, and S. Philip Morgan (1998)

Submissions from 1997

Maternal Predictors of Early Adolescent Achievement-Related Outcomes: Adolescent Gender as Moderator, Miriam Linver and Susan B. Silverberg (1997)

A Potential Case of Social Bankruptcy: States' AFDC Payments and Their Teen Birth Rates, Shirley L. Zimmerman and Constance Gager (1997)

Submissions from 1996

Employee Shareholders Or Institutional Investors? When Corporate Managers Replace Their Stockholders, Michael Useem and Constance Gager (1996)

Submissions from 1995


Parenting as a Multidimensional Construct: Differential Prediction of Adolescents’ Sense of Self and Engagement in Problem Behavior, Miriam Linver and Susan B. Silverberg (1995)