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Subject Name
Paola García
Subject Bio
Paola was born and raised in Santiago, Chile, where she participated in protests and was a part of the Vicariate of Solidarity where she would help those who were incarcerated or lost. In 2013, she moved to Ecuador with her husband and children to find a better life, but after two years she began to notice an increase in crime there and her husband decided to move to the US temporarily on an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) visa. Paola and her younger son joined her husband in the United States in 2019 and have been living here ever since. Her older son has not been allowed to enter the country despite repeated attempts to rejoin them.
Paola nació y creció en Santiago de Chile, donde participó en protestas y fue parte de la Vicaría de la Solidaridad donde ayudaba a los encarcelados o perdidos. En 2013, se mudó a Ecuador con su esposo e hijos para encontrar una vida mejor, pero después de dos años comenzó a notar un aumento en la delincuencia allí y su esposo decidió mudarse temporalmente a los EE. UU. con un ESTA (Sistema Electrónico para Autorización de Viaje). ) visa. Paola y su hijo menor se unieron a su esposo en los Estados Unidos en 2019 y viven aquí desde entonces. A su hijo mayor no se le ha permitido ingresar al país a pesar de los repetidos intentos de reunirse con ellos.
New Jersey
Crystal Tejada-Breton
Date Recorded
Fall 12-2022
Language of Recording
Montclair State University Course
SOCI 307
Primary Faculty Name
Stephen Ruszczyk
family, familia, mobility, movilidad, taking action, tomando acción, legacy, legado, human rights, derechos humanos, Make the Road New Jersey, family separation, separación familiar
An interview with Paola García, an immigrant leader from Make the Road New Jersey. The interview covers life before immigrating, arrival and integration, and political participation.
Civic and Community Engagement | Community-Based Learning | Migration Studies | Politics and Social Change
Recommended Citation
Tejada-Breton, Crystal, "Interview with Paola García" (2022). Immigrant Leaders. 2.

Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Community-Based Learning Commons, Migration Studies Commons, Politics and Social Change Commons