"Interview with Noemi Ruiz" by Jessica Vasquez



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Subject Name

Jessica Vasquez

Subject Bio

Noemi was raised in Mexico with her parents, grandparents, and siblings. She came to the United States in search of the American Dream like most immigrants. She has been working and creating her own life here for around 22 years. Noemi wants reform politically and in laws for immigrants in the United States. She wants to show everyone that immigrants should be valued and show how much they are needed for the American economy.

Noemí creció en México con sus padres, abuelos y hermanos. Llegó a Estados Unidos en busca del sueño americano como la mayoría de los inmigrantes. Lleva aquí unos 22 años trabajando y creando su propia vida. Noemí quiere reformas políticas y legales para los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos. Quiere mostrarles a todos que los inmigrantes deben ser valorados y cuánto son necesarios para la economía estadounidense.


New Jersey


Jessica Vasquez

Date Recorded


Language of Recording


Montclair State University Course

SOCI 307

Primary Faculty Name

Stephen Ruszczyk


esfuerzo, strength, situaciones dificiles, difficult situations, luchando, fighting, dolio, hurt, empoderada, empowered, Make the Road New Jersey


An interview with Noemi Ruiz, an immigrant leader of Make the Road New Jersey. The interview covers life before immigrating, arrival and integration, and political participation.


Civic and Community Engagement | Community-Based Learning | Migration Studies | Politics and Social Change

Interview with Noemi Ruiz
