Publication Date
Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children, Montclair State University
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Purpose: Assesses elementary reasoning and inquiry skills.
Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude.
Population: Reading level grade 5 and over.
Published Test Administration:
New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills--Form B. Purpose: Assesses elementary reasoning and inquiry skills. Population: Reading level grade 5 and over. Publication Dates: 1983-1985. Scores: 22 skill areas: Converting Statements, Translating into Logical Form,
Accession Number: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:
Inclusion/Exclusion, Recognizing Improper Questions, Avoiding Jumping to Conclusions, Analogical Reasoning, Detecting Underlying Assumptions, Eliminating Alternatives, Inductive Reasoning, Reasoning with Relationships, Detecting Ambiguities, Discerning Causal Relationships, Identifying Good Reasons, Recognizing Symmetrical Relationships, Syllogistic Reasoning (Categorical), Distinguishing Differences of Kind and Degree, Recognizing Transitive Relationships, Recognizing Dubious Authority, Reasoning with 4-Possibilities Matrix, Contradicting Statements, Whole-Part and Part-Whole Reasoning, Syllogistic Reasoning (Conditional).
Document Type
Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Recommended Citation
Shipman, Virginia, "New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills - Review" (1983). New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills. 3.