"01. Elfie, Second Edition (novel)" by Matthew Lipman



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Target Grades

Elementary School

Publication Date



Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Number of Pages



Elfie is in the first grade and is so shy she can’t speak in class and can hardly even formulate a question. Yet little escapes her and her mind puzzles over everything that happens in class and at home. When the principal proposes a contest aimed at improving reasoning, her whole class is caught up in figuring out how sentences work and how distinctions and connections are made. At the same time, Elfie and her classmates discover many distinctions fundamental to inquiry: appearance and reality, the one and the many, parts and wholes, similarity and difference, permanence and change.


This morning, in class, Seth said, “Elfie hardly ever talks. It’s like she’s not for real!”

That shows how wrong he can be! Maybe I don’t talk much, but I think all the time. I even think when I sleep.

Last night, I was in my bed, and I said to myself, “Elfie, are you asleep?” I touched my eyes, and they were open, so I said, “No, I’m not asleep.”

Suddenly, I thought, “That can be wrong. Maybe a person could sleep with her eyes open.”

Then I said to myself, “Right now, Elfie, you’re wondering, and since you’re wondering, you must be thinking! And if you’re thinking then, no matter what Seth says, you’re for real!”



appearance/reality, connections, distinctions, elementary education, reasoning, one/many, part/whole, permanence/change, philosophy for children, similar/different


Early Childhood Education | Education | Philosophy

01. Elfie, Second Edition (novel)

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