"Perception of safety in Public Transport in Brazil" by Elenice De Souza Oliveira, Braulio Figueiredo Alves da Silva et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 12-2022

Journal / Book Title

crime on buses; perception of safety among college students; public transit crime, web-based survey; fear of crime


This current study examines the perception of safety on the public bus transit system in a large Brazilian metropolis. Using a web-based survey, the study reached a convenient sample of bus users of a local university who were victims and witnesses to crime in two different types of local bus transit environments - the BRT MOVE - a modern bus system and its opposing counterpart - the conventional bus system. Research questions investigate whether or not riders’ perception of safety is influenced by the presence of mechanisms of control and surveillance on buses. Using a linear regression model, this study hypothesizes that the perception of safety among victims and/or witnesses to crime varies according to exposure to risk in different bus transit systems. Limitations of the results were addressed and reliability and validity issues were reviewed. This study demonstrates the relevance of different types of risk factors on riders’ perception of safety on buses, bus stops, and stations. This contributes to widening the range of public transit safety solutions in Brazil.



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