"Global leadership is shared leadership: How smart global leaders build" by Amber A. Johnson, Tina Huesing et al.

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Journal / Book Title

The Study and Practice of Global Leadership


Globalization has changed the way we work. The nature of leadership must adapt as our organizations grow to encompass more geographies, cultures, languages, and ways of working. Shared leadership emerges in these complex environments as a means of managing the interdependency of boundary-spanning work; but enacting shared leadership means shifting the bases of power on which leaders historically relied. It may also require shifting organizational structure to accommodate more voices. Scholars and executives alike must adapt quickly to keep pace with the changes of our ever more global world.



Book Publisher


Book Editor(s)

Gama Perruci

Published Citation

Johnson, A. A., Huesing, T., Ludema, J. D., & Hinds, B. (2022). Global leadership is shared leadership: How smart global leaders build cultures of collaboration to drive results and get things done. In G. Perruci (Ed.), The Study and Practice of Global Leadership. Emerald Publishing Limited.

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