Montclair State University Digital Commons - Les Phares haïtiens: 19th-Century Haitian Luminaries in Translation: Le Passager / The Passenger

Isaac Toussaint-Louverture

Le Passager / The Passenger


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Isaac Toussaint-Louverture

Translation By

Carter Charles

Translator Biography

A natifnatal (native child) of Haiti, Carter Charles Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Brigham Young University. He lived for almost two decades in Bordeaux, France, where he obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees, and taught, among other subjects, translation classes.

Publication Date



English translation of Isaac Toussaint-Louverture's "Le Passager, romance" by Carter Charles. Read by Isaac Kpoka.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Le Passager / The Passenger

English translation of Isaac Toussaint-Louverture's "Le Passager, romance" by Carter Charles. Read by Isaac Kpoka.

Original Work

Rives de ma terre natale,

Que de pleurs ont versés mes yeux,

Quand des vents l'haleine fatale

Marqua l'heure de nos adieux.

Emporté par ma nef légère,

Loin de l'amour et du bonheur,

A mes yeux fuyait la chaumière

De celle qui plaît à mon cœur.

Ces astres, cette autre nature,

Ces cités, ces peuples nouveaux,

Cet ennui que mon âme endure

Parmi les feux des matelots,

De ces mers l'immense barrière,

Tout me redit dans mon malheur.

Ah ! combien est loin la chaumière

De celle qui plaît à mon cœur !

J'ai connu la guerre et l'orage

Et les mœurs des bords étrangers :

Rien n'a pu ternir ton image,

Gloire, absence, plaisirs, dangers.

Tranquille au port, sur l'onde amère

Je répétais dans mon malheur :

Quand reverrai-je la chaumière

De celle qui plaît à mon cœur ?

Poem by Isaac Toussaint-Louverture

Translated Work

Oh, shorelines of my motherland,

What tears fell from my eyes

As fatal winds blew ‘cross the sand

Striking the hour of our goodbyes.

Blown asea by my sail alight,

Away from love and bliss,

As faded from sight

The hearth of the one I miss.

These stars, this strange nature,

These cities, these new faces

This pain my soul to endure

Among the sailors’ lights,

Of these seas, the vast distance,

Everything recalls my mischance.

Oh, so far from the hearth

Of the one who pleases my heart!

I have seen wars and storms

And the customs of shores foreign:

Nothing to dim your sunlit forms,

Not glory, absence, pleasures, nor perils.

Calm at the harbor, over the bitter seas

In sorrow, I kept on singing this refrain:

When shall I see again the hearth

Of the one who pleases my heart?

Translation by Carter Charles, 2023

