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Journal / Book Title

Archives of Suicide Research


This study examined clinician experiences and attitudes toward safety planning in a large urban pediatric psychiatry department serving primarily Latino youth. A total of 46 clinicians completed a survey assessing their experience with and attitudes toward safety planning with adolescents at-risk for suicide. The majority of clinicians were female (78%), non-Latino White (54%), and aged 30–39 (52%). Clinicians’ attitudes were largely positive (M = 3.69 SD = 0.47, Range = 2.42–4.42). However, many clinicians (n = 24) were not convinced that safety planning reduces the imminent risk of suicidal behavior in patients. This study provides more depth to our understanding of the way in which safety planning is perceived by clinicians.



Published Citation

Reyes-Portillo, J. A., McGlinchey, E. L., Toso-Salman, J., Chin, E. M., Fisher, P. W., & Mufson, L. (2019). Clinician experience and attitudes toward safety planning with adolescents at risk for suicide. Archives of suicide research, 23(2), 222-233.

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Psychology Commons
