Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 9-23-2009

Journal / Book Title

Science as Culture


Browse through your local bookstore, or glance at a nearby movie marquee. Skim the pages of your nightly newspaper or the listings in your television guide. American culture's current focus poses a surprise. The popular eye is centered on a topic more taboo than the steamiest sexual encounter, more solemn than the deepest economic depression, and more universal than the common cold. The current decade reveals a remarkable up- surge in our collective attention toward death. Indeed in the 1990s, Americans have become nearly obsessed with a world that lurks beyond life as we know it.


Journal ISSN / Book ISBN

ISSN: 0950-5431

Published Citation

Karen A. Cerulo & Janet M. Ruane (1997) Death comes alive; technology and the re‐conception of death, Science as Culture, 6:3, 444-466, DOI: 10.1080/09505439709526477