Montclair State University Digital Commons - Student Research Symposium: The Perception of Disordered Eating Among Different Levels of Collegiate Athletes

The Perception of Disordered Eating Among Different Levels of Collegiate Athletes

Presenter Information

Kearsten Powers

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Fredrick Gardin

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2023 11:00 AM

End Date

26-4-2023 12:00 PM


Disordered eating can negatively impact the health and safety of college athletes. This survey was conducted to gain qualitative knowledge on how college athletes perceived and experienced disordered eating during their sport participation. This information can be used to establish risk factors of disordered eating, as well as aid in the early recognition and treatment of disordered eating. Disordered eating is an unhealthy pattern of eating that may develop into an eating disorder. It commonly affects athletes due to the pressure to continue to perform well, maintain a specific body composition or appearance, and be influenced by their teammates' eating and training habits. The question was posed: How do NCAA athletes, within the last 5 years, perceive and experience the influence of sport participation on their eating habits? The survey was distributed using Qualtrics, and participants were recruited via personal pleas, social media, and flyers. The participants were included based on participation in an NCAA sport between 2018 and 2023. The questions targeted the areas of exercise and eating habits, nutritional healthcare access, past medical history, and self-perception. Face and content validity were established with a 5 participant pilot study. Results: The data is suggesting that the increased pressures of sport participation and maintenance of body composition influence the eating habits of participants. - More coming 3/20/23. Conclusion: Coming with completion of survey on 3/20/23.

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Apr 26th, 11:00 AM Apr 26th, 12:00 PM

The Perception of Disordered Eating Among Different Levels of Collegiate Athletes

Disordered eating can negatively impact the health and safety of college athletes. This survey was conducted to gain qualitative knowledge on how college athletes perceived and experienced disordered eating during their sport participation. This information can be used to establish risk factors of disordered eating, as well as aid in the early recognition and treatment of disordered eating. Disordered eating is an unhealthy pattern of eating that may develop into an eating disorder. It commonly affects athletes due to the pressure to continue to perform well, maintain a specific body composition or appearance, and be influenced by their teammates' eating and training habits. The question was posed: How do NCAA athletes, within the last 5 years, perceive and experience the influence of sport participation on their eating habits? The survey was distributed using Qualtrics, and participants were recruited via personal pleas, social media, and flyers. The participants were included based on participation in an NCAA sport between 2018 and 2023. The questions targeted the areas of exercise and eating habits, nutritional healthcare access, past medical history, and self-perception. Face and content validity were established with a 5 participant pilot study. Results: The data is suggesting that the increased pressures of sport participation and maintenance of body composition influence the eating habits of participants. - More coming 3/20/23. Conclusion: Coming with completion of survey on 3/20/23.