Montclair State University Digital Commons - Student Research Symposium: The Life and Legacy of Alvin Ailey’s Revelations

The Life and Legacy of Alvin Ailey’s Revelations

Presenter Information

Cate Cameron

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Elizabeth McPherson

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2023 12:30 PM

End Date

26-4-2023 1:30 PM


Alvin Ailey’s modern dance ballet Revelations is one of the most beloved and well-known pieces in the dance community and the wider world. Learning about a piece like Revelations can teach us a lot about what works well in making and crafting dance, what it takes to create a successful dance work, and how dance can impact the wider world. Revelations is an extremely personal piece that is closely intertwined with Alvin Ailey’s life and experiences, so my research included an in-depth investigation into Ailey’s life and origins. True to Alvin Ailey’s mission as an artist, Revelations is a tribute to African American heritage and culture. I compiled accounts from Ailey and his dancers about the journey of conceiving and creating Revelations to paint a picture of what the creative process was like. I watched and studied the piece myself in great detail and documented my own observations about the movement, storytelling, and production elements. I also complied reviews of Revelations performances from throughout the piece’s life, documenting it’s persistent popularity from the first reviews in 1960 up to present day. After noting this enduring popularity, I gathered testimonies from Alvin Ailey dancers about why they think Revelations is so universal and timeless. Developing a deeper understanding of the origins, progression, and impact of an important piece like Revelations fosters a deeper appreciation for dance art, both in the hard work that it requires and the influence it can have on the world.

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Apr 26th, 12:30 PM Apr 26th, 1:30 PM

The Life and Legacy of Alvin Ailey’s Revelations

Alvin Ailey’s modern dance ballet Revelations is one of the most beloved and well-known pieces in the dance community and the wider world. Learning about a piece like Revelations can teach us a lot about what works well in making and crafting dance, what it takes to create a successful dance work, and how dance can impact the wider world. Revelations is an extremely personal piece that is closely intertwined with Alvin Ailey’s life and experiences, so my research included an in-depth investigation into Ailey’s life and origins. True to Alvin Ailey’s mission as an artist, Revelations is a tribute to African American heritage and culture. I compiled accounts from Ailey and his dancers about the journey of conceiving and creating Revelations to paint a picture of what the creative process was like. I watched and studied the piece myself in great detail and documented my own observations about the movement, storytelling, and production elements. I also complied reviews of Revelations performances from throughout the piece’s life, documenting it’s persistent popularity from the first reviews in 1960 up to present day. After noting this enduring popularity, I gathered testimonies from Alvin Ailey dancers about why they think Revelations is so universal and timeless. Developing a deeper understanding of the origins, progression, and impact of an important piece like Revelations fosters a deeper appreciation for dance art, both in the hard work that it requires and the influence it can have on the world.