Montclair State University Digital Commons - Student Research Symposium: Analysis of Food Insecurity in Newark New Jersey

Analysis of Food Insecurity in Newark New Jersey

Presenter Information

Javonica Latimore

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Greg Pope

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2023 1:44 PM

End Date

26-4-2023 2:45 PM


Food insecurity has been an issue in low income communities like Newark New Jersey, and with the unexpected pandemic, food resources and income became increasingly at risk. While Newark is mixed in affluence it is still considered a low income community that suffers from many environmental injustices and problems.To measure food insecurity in Newark, a GIS analysis was done to mark all possible food resources to compare to a higher income community of a similar size. This analysis would be done to see how pivotal small businesses such as bodegas, community gardens and delicatessens are to low income communities that lack proper grocery stores. Turning this information into an interactable map, these communities will be able to see the number of food sources in their area. It's theorized that Newark will lack a large number of adequate markets such as Shoprite, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's etc. This data can be used in conjunction with census data of the amount of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and or Electronic benefit transfer (EBT) is utilized in Newark to determine food insecurity.

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Apr 26th, 1:44 PM Apr 26th, 2:45 PM

Analysis of Food Insecurity in Newark New Jersey

Food insecurity has been an issue in low income communities like Newark New Jersey, and with the unexpected pandemic, food resources and income became increasingly at risk. While Newark is mixed in affluence it is still considered a low income community that suffers from many environmental injustices and problems.To measure food insecurity in Newark, a GIS analysis was done to mark all possible food resources to compare to a higher income community of a similar size. This analysis would be done to see how pivotal small businesses such as bodegas, community gardens and delicatessens are to low income communities that lack proper grocery stores. Turning this information into an interactable map, these communities will be able to see the number of food sources in their area. It's theorized that Newark will lack a large number of adequate markets such as Shoprite, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's etc. This data can be used in conjunction with census data of the amount of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and or Electronic benefit transfer (EBT) is utilized in Newark to determine food insecurity.