How do Simulated Root Exudates affect Soil Microbial Composition in a Barren, Contaminated Soil?

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Nina Goodey

Access Type

Open Access

Start Date

26-4-2024 9:45 AM

End Date

26-4-2024 10:44 AM


A well-functioning soil microbiome is crucial to soil health and quality. Soil microbes aid in important processes such as nutrient cycling, which in turn supports plant health and productivity. Brownfield soils typically exhibit low levels of microbial functioning from contaminant-resistant microbial communities. The low level of microbial functioning can hinder natural vegetation growth, leaving areas barren. Without plants, soils lack structure and stability. We have recently shown that microbial function increases when primed with a single addition of simulated root exudate (SRE) solution, creating a microbial legacy within the soil that is able to support plant growth. Here we ask how does the soil microbial community in a barren, contaminated soil change over time in response to SREs and what types of microbes become more or less prevalent as a result of addition of SREs. The DNA of the bacterial and fungal communities within barren, contaminated soil was extracted and sequenced using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) at two time points to observe changes within the microbial community in response to SRE priming. Using targeted sequencing methods (16S and ITS), we gained insights into the microbial community composition and diversity in SRE treated and control soils. These data allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of how SREs affect soil microbial composition and function. This understanding is crucial for soil management, in particular for efforts to revitalize poorly functioning soils using practical and effective approaches.

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Apr 26th, 9:45 AM Apr 26th, 10:44 AM

How do Simulated Root Exudates affect Soil Microbial Composition in a Barren, Contaminated Soil?

A well-functioning soil microbiome is crucial to soil health and quality. Soil microbes aid in important processes such as nutrient cycling, which in turn supports plant health and productivity. Brownfield soils typically exhibit low levels of microbial functioning from contaminant-resistant microbial communities. The low level of microbial functioning can hinder natural vegetation growth, leaving areas barren. Without plants, soils lack structure and stability. We have recently shown that microbial function increases when primed with a single addition of simulated root exudate (SRE) solution, creating a microbial legacy within the soil that is able to support plant growth. Here we ask how does the soil microbial community in a barren, contaminated soil change over time in response to SREs and what types of microbes become more or less prevalent as a result of addition of SREs. The DNA of the bacterial and fungal communities within barren, contaminated soil was extracted and sequenced using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) at two time points to observe changes within the microbial community in response to SRE priming. Using targeted sequencing methods (16S and ITS), we gained insights into the microbial community composition and diversity in SRE treated and control soils. These data allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of how SREs affect soil microbial composition and function. This understanding is crucial for soil management, in particular for efforts to revitalize poorly functioning soils using practical and effective approaches.