Addressing the Issues with Low Income Housing in Montclair New Jersey

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Gregory Pope

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2024 9:45 AM

End Date

26-4-2024 10:44 AM


Based on recent 2022 statistics, New Jersey ranked amongst the lowest in affordable housing, tied with Delaware, with the data indicating only 31 affordable housing available for 100 families in need of low-income housing. This issue of lack of affordable housing is an issue for New Jersey as a whole and runs through smaller towns and cities including Montclair. In Montclair, although there has been an increase in residential buildings, most of these newly built residential units have been upscale luxury apartments. While affordable housing has been an important part of community building, specifically targeted at low-income communities, it has also faced much resistance and conflict. These conflicts included opposition from the locals indicating exploitation of open spaces and environmentally sensitive areas by developers in the name of affordable housing. This project addresses issues through GIS by looking at the US Census, and through articles online. I will utilize ArcGIS to be able to find different data to better inform people about the different struggles of low-income people by looking at the census tracks and demographics of Montclair to be able to find ways to address the living situations that are making it harder for people to make a living and to keep up with the cost of life. My results are that people living in low-income housing are not struggling because most have a calculated rent due to their income. The implications are mostly due to their rent most likely not being used to repair that many issues.

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Apr 26th, 9:45 AM Apr 26th, 10:44 AM

Addressing the Issues with Low Income Housing in Montclair New Jersey

Based on recent 2022 statistics, New Jersey ranked amongst the lowest in affordable housing, tied with Delaware, with the data indicating only 31 affordable housing available for 100 families in need of low-income housing. This issue of lack of affordable housing is an issue for New Jersey as a whole and runs through smaller towns and cities including Montclair. In Montclair, although there has been an increase in residential buildings, most of these newly built residential units have been upscale luxury apartments. While affordable housing has been an important part of community building, specifically targeted at low-income communities, it has also faced much resistance and conflict. These conflicts included opposition from the locals indicating exploitation of open spaces and environmentally sensitive areas by developers in the name of affordable housing. This project addresses issues through GIS by looking at the US Census, and through articles online. I will utilize ArcGIS to be able to find different data to better inform people about the different struggles of low-income people by looking at the census tracks and demographics of Montclair to be able to find ways to address the living situations that are making it harder for people to make a living and to keep up with the cost of life. My results are that people living in low-income housing are not struggling because most have a calculated rent due to their income. The implications are mostly due to their rent most likely not being used to repair that many issues.