Understanding the Lived Experiences of Returning Citizens

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Jason Williams

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Start Date

26-4-2024 11:15 AM

End Date

26-4-2024 12:15 PM


The repercussions of incarceration extend far beyond the prison walls, significantly shaping the life trajectories of individuals and impacting their relationships, identities, and experiences. Despite existing research shedding light on various aspects of reentry, there remains a critical need to explore deeper into the multifaceted impact of incarceration on returning citizens' perceptions of intimate relationships, parenting, loss, self-identity and society. This study aims to unveil the unseen narratives of returning citizens, recognizing the power of personal anecdotes and quotes from study participants in providing nuanced insights into their lived experiences. By incorporating these firsthand accounts, the study seeks to humanize the data and offer a deeper understanding of the individuals behind the statistics. While existing research often focuses on the external challenges faced by returning citizens upon reentry, this study takes a holistic approach, exploring the complex interplay between trauma, family and community relationships, the criminal justice system, reentry processes, and personal identity. By examining these interconnected facets of returning citizens' lives, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities they experience throughout their life course. By amplifying the voices and narratives of returning citizens, this study contributes to ongoing efforts to promote equity, justice, and social inclusion for all individuals impacted by the criminal justice system. Findings from this research can help inform policies, programs, and interventions aimed at supporting returning citizens in their journey towards successful reintegration into society.

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Apr 26th, 11:15 AM Apr 26th, 12:15 PM

Understanding the Lived Experiences of Returning Citizens

The repercussions of incarceration extend far beyond the prison walls, significantly shaping the life trajectories of individuals and impacting their relationships, identities, and experiences. Despite existing research shedding light on various aspects of reentry, there remains a critical need to explore deeper into the multifaceted impact of incarceration on returning citizens' perceptions of intimate relationships, parenting, loss, self-identity and society. This study aims to unveil the unseen narratives of returning citizens, recognizing the power of personal anecdotes and quotes from study participants in providing nuanced insights into their lived experiences. By incorporating these firsthand accounts, the study seeks to humanize the data and offer a deeper understanding of the individuals behind the statistics. While existing research often focuses on the external challenges faced by returning citizens upon reentry, this study takes a holistic approach, exploring the complex interplay between trauma, family and community relationships, the criminal justice system, reentry processes, and personal identity. By examining these interconnected facets of returning citizens' lives, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities they experience throughout their life course. By amplifying the voices and narratives of returning citizens, this study contributes to ongoing efforts to promote equity, justice, and social inclusion for all individuals impacted by the criminal justice system. Findings from this research can help inform policies, programs, and interventions aimed at supporting returning citizens in their journey towards successful reintegration into society.