Offshore Wind Development and Associated Impact on Recreational Fisheries in New Jersey: A Socio-spatial Approach

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Pankaj Lal

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Start Date

26-4-2024 11:15 AM

End Date

26-4-2024 12:15 PM


Offshore wind is rapidly being developed to generate renewable carbon-free electricity for the grid. However, the development of offshore wind farms (OWFs) faces resistance, especially from recreational fishers. Few empirical studies have been conducted to assess OWFs impact on recreational fisheries. This research focuses on charter boat captains' and owners' perception regarding OWFs in New Jersey (NJ). To understand interactions between OWFs and recreational fisheries, we assessed the impacts through an online survey of boat captains and owners. The survey was administered during February-March 2024, and achieved 22% response rate. The majority of respondents (71%) had over 15 years of experience in the occupation, and 97% were recreational anglers themselves. The survey results suggested that 91% of boat captains and owners were opposed to OWF development in NJ. The result highlighted concerns regarding issues such as industrialization of the ocean in unwanted way (82%); disturbing marine species like fishes and scallops (73%); and negative impact towards marine environment (70%). The survey respondents advocated for science-based evidence that demonstrates minimal impact on the marine ecosystem and a phased approach of OWF development whereby a single demonstration project is developed before scaling up to others. The study findings underscore the critical need for communicating with these recreational fishing boat captains, understanding the reasons behind their opposition to OWF, and making concerted efforts to ameliorate their concerns. The findings are significant as they can be used for targeted outreach for boat captain and can help minimizing disruptions to recreational boating and fishing activities.

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Apr 26th, 11:15 AM Apr 26th, 12:15 PM

Offshore Wind Development and Associated Impact on Recreational Fisheries in New Jersey: A Socio-spatial Approach

Offshore wind is rapidly being developed to generate renewable carbon-free electricity for the grid. However, the development of offshore wind farms (OWFs) faces resistance, especially from recreational fishers. Few empirical studies have been conducted to assess OWFs impact on recreational fisheries. This research focuses on charter boat captains' and owners' perception regarding OWFs in New Jersey (NJ). To understand interactions between OWFs and recreational fisheries, we assessed the impacts through an online survey of boat captains and owners. The survey was administered during February-March 2024, and achieved 22% response rate. The majority of respondents (71%) had over 15 years of experience in the occupation, and 97% were recreational anglers themselves. The survey results suggested that 91% of boat captains and owners were opposed to OWF development in NJ. The result highlighted concerns regarding issues such as industrialization of the ocean in unwanted way (82%); disturbing marine species like fishes and scallops (73%); and negative impact towards marine environment (70%). The survey respondents advocated for science-based evidence that demonstrates minimal impact on the marine ecosystem and a phased approach of OWF development whereby a single demonstration project is developed before scaling up to others. The study findings underscore the critical need for communicating with these recreational fishing boat captains, understanding the reasons behind their opposition to OWF, and making concerted efforts to ameliorate their concerns. The findings are significant as they can be used for targeted outreach for boat captain and can help minimizing disruptions to recreational boating and fishing activities.