United States Immigration Detention Centers: Enduring Inhumane Treatment and Abuse for the American Dream

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Faculty Advisor

Thomas Loikith

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Start Date

26-4-2024 12:45 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 1:44 PM


Immigration has been a fundamental characteristic of the United States from the beginning of the nation. It is not uncommon to hear people say that America was built by immigrants. However, there are many who do not know the hardships that immigrants had to endure to achieve their American dream. Immigration reform is a controversial subject throughout our society. On the news and social media, there has been a demand for current immigration laws to be changed due to their many flaws. The question that I will be answering is whether immigration detention centers are a violation of human rights? To have a better understanding of this complex problem, interdisciplinary research is required. I analyze this problem through the disciplines of law, political science, and psychology. I use qualitative research throughout my paper and analyze cases, scholarly sources, and stories from immigrants who were detained in an immigration detention center. I also research immigration laws and human rights that immigration detention centers could be violating. I seek common ground between insights and seek to integrate common insights to create new interdisciplinary insights. Lastly, I develop potential solutions to the problem. Based on my research made up to this point, I tentatively conclude that there are many violations, such as sexual, physical and psychological abuse, of laws and human rights occurring in immigration detention centers. There must be a change to the rules and regulations in these detention centers. This will help prevent immigrants enduring abuse and inhumane treatment.

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Apr 26th, 12:45 PM Apr 26th, 1:44 PM

United States Immigration Detention Centers: Enduring Inhumane Treatment and Abuse for the American Dream

Immigration has been a fundamental characteristic of the United States from the beginning of the nation. It is not uncommon to hear people say that America was built by immigrants. However, there are many who do not know the hardships that immigrants had to endure to achieve their American dream. Immigration reform is a controversial subject throughout our society. On the news and social media, there has been a demand for current immigration laws to be changed due to their many flaws. The question that I will be answering is whether immigration detention centers are a violation of human rights? To have a better understanding of this complex problem, interdisciplinary research is required. I analyze this problem through the disciplines of law, political science, and psychology. I use qualitative research throughout my paper and analyze cases, scholarly sources, and stories from immigrants who were detained in an immigration detention center. I also research immigration laws and human rights that immigration detention centers could be violating. I seek common ground between insights and seek to integrate common insights to create new interdisciplinary insights. Lastly, I develop potential solutions to the problem. Based on my research made up to this point, I tentatively conclude that there are many violations, such as sexual, physical and psychological abuse, of laws and human rights occurring in immigration detention centers. There must be a change to the rules and regulations in these detention centers. This will help prevent immigrants enduring abuse and inhumane treatment.