United States and Norwegian Prison Systems

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Thomas Loikith

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Start Date

26-4-2024 12:45 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 1:44 PM


Maintaining order in our society depends heavily on prison facilities. There are four purposes for prison reformation, incapacitation, retribution, and deterrence. For individuals who violate the law, prison is a place of rehabilitation and punishment. The United States and Norway have two distinctly different prison systems each controversial in their way. In the United States prisons are closed-off facilities for their prisoners, they are not allowed to roam freely. Norwegian prisons differ in this aspect because their facilities are more open, and their prisoners are able to roam freely. What can be done to improve the US prison system? What lessons can be learned from reviewing the Norwegian prison system? This is a complex problem that calls for interdisciplinary research to provide an in-depth understanding and possible resolutions of the problem. Through the disciplines of law and psychology, I applied qualitative research techniques to examine academic literature. Through the process of integrating information from other fields and court opinions, my goal is to enhance my understanding of the research subject and provide workable solutions. Norway has the lowest recidivism rate in the world. If the United States focuses on prisoner rehabilitation by reworking work and rehabilitative programs such as support groups. They should seek alternative sentencing for nonviolent offenders. Lastly, promoting an open and secure environment. I infer that if the United States followed the Norwegian standards for their prison systems, they would see recidivism rates similar to Norway, and other Scandinavian countries with similar prison systems.

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Apr 26th, 12:45 PM Apr 26th, 1:44 PM

United States and Norwegian Prison Systems

Maintaining order in our society depends heavily on prison facilities. There are four purposes for prison reformation, incapacitation, retribution, and deterrence. For individuals who violate the law, prison is a place of rehabilitation and punishment. The United States and Norway have two distinctly different prison systems each controversial in their way. In the United States prisons are closed-off facilities for their prisoners, they are not allowed to roam freely. Norwegian prisons differ in this aspect because their facilities are more open, and their prisoners are able to roam freely. What can be done to improve the US prison system? What lessons can be learned from reviewing the Norwegian prison system? This is a complex problem that calls for interdisciplinary research to provide an in-depth understanding and possible resolutions of the problem. Through the disciplines of law and psychology, I applied qualitative research techniques to examine academic literature. Through the process of integrating information from other fields and court opinions, my goal is to enhance my understanding of the research subject and provide workable solutions. Norway has the lowest recidivism rate in the world. If the United States focuses on prisoner rehabilitation by reworking work and rehabilitative programs such as support groups. They should seek alternative sentencing for nonviolent offenders. Lastly, promoting an open and secure environment. I infer that if the United States followed the Norwegian standards for their prison systems, they would see recidivism rates similar to Norway, and other Scandinavian countries with similar prison systems.