An Emotion-based Interactive 3D Digital Human for Enhancing a Friendly Human-Robot Collaboration

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Faculty Advisor

Rui Li

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Start Date

26-4-2024 12:45 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 1:44 PM


Human-robot collaborations are not uncommon, as advances in technologies allow for more opportunities to integrate them into any task desired. Combining the collaboration with an assistive 3D digital human system, it will be possible to create an ideal situation for a friendly and safe human-robot collaboration using a digital human as the method of interaction. This paper describes a friendly emotion-based interactive digital human system that enhances a human-robot collaboration by reading a human’s emotions through detecting their face on a webcam, analyzing it, then returning a response based on their emotions at the time. The details of this system can be summarized into parts. First, there is the 3D head model that a user would be interacting with and the armature rig that controls its movements on the screen. Second, the system uses a webcam to see the human collaborator’s face and then analyze the emotion based on a pre-trained model. Lastly, the interactive digital human decides how to respond based on the analyzed emotion, then gives an emotion-based response on the face of the model along with a text-based response visualized on the screen. The results and analysis from the experiment conducted using this system demonstrate its current advantages and disadvantages compared to other systems and other human-robot assembly collaborations.

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Apr 26th, 12:45 PM Apr 26th, 1:44 PM

An Emotion-based Interactive 3D Digital Human for Enhancing a Friendly Human-Robot Collaboration

Human-robot collaborations are not uncommon, as advances in technologies allow for more opportunities to integrate them into any task desired. Combining the collaboration with an assistive 3D digital human system, it will be possible to create an ideal situation for a friendly and safe human-robot collaboration using a digital human as the method of interaction. This paper describes a friendly emotion-based interactive digital human system that enhances a human-robot collaboration by reading a human’s emotions through detecting their face on a webcam, analyzing it, then returning a response based on their emotions at the time. The details of this system can be summarized into parts. First, there is the 3D head model that a user would be interacting with and the armature rig that controls its movements on the screen. Second, the system uses a webcam to see the human collaborator’s face and then analyze the emotion based on a pre-trained model. Lastly, the interactive digital human decides how to respond based on the analyzed emotion, then gives an emotion-based response on the face of the model along with a text-based response visualized on the screen. The results and analysis from the experiment conducted using this system demonstrate its current advantages and disadvantages compared to other systems and other human-robot assembly collaborations.