A Geospatial Analysis of Impermeable Surfaces and Stormwater Runoff

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Gregory Pope

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:15 PM


In recent years Montclair Township has discussed the applicability of a Green Infrastructure Action Plan to aid stormwater collection. This study will incorporate geospatial data to show impermeable surfaces throughout Montclair Township, New Jersey and how it may affect local Montclair residents and residents of surrounding municipalities. The data presented will consist of local wetlands, watershed data, impermeable surfaces, municipal boundaries of Montclair Township, Census population data, elevation data, hydrology data, and existing maps that will be georeferenced. Through the usage of ArcGIS Pro, I will be able to create maps specifically showing the effects of impermeable surfaces such as flooding and hazardous runoff. Statistical analysis through ArcGIS Pro and through my research to help provide Montclair with further information regarding the issue of impermeable surfaces. This analysis will be displayed using pie charts and graphs. My contributions will help their Tier 1 requirements of locating the impermeable surfaces and assessing which areas are affected by runoff and flooding. Highlighted areas of interest include schools, main streets, municipal parks, buildings, and utilities in which the Green Infrastructure Action Plan can be implemented. The purpose of this research is to determine how impermeable surfaces have a positive correlation towards stormwater collection which could increase chances of flooding and hazardous runoff to locals and wildlife. My results will depict the correlation between impermeable surfaces and potential flooding and hazardous runoff within the municipality of Montclair Township.

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Apr 26th, 2:15 PM Apr 26th, 3:15 PM

A Geospatial Analysis of Impermeable Surfaces and Stormwater Runoff

In recent years Montclair Township has discussed the applicability of a Green Infrastructure Action Plan to aid stormwater collection. This study will incorporate geospatial data to show impermeable surfaces throughout Montclair Township, New Jersey and how it may affect local Montclair residents and residents of surrounding municipalities. The data presented will consist of local wetlands, watershed data, impermeable surfaces, municipal boundaries of Montclair Township, Census population data, elevation data, hydrology data, and existing maps that will be georeferenced. Through the usage of ArcGIS Pro, I will be able to create maps specifically showing the effects of impermeable surfaces such as flooding and hazardous runoff. Statistical analysis through ArcGIS Pro and through my research to help provide Montclair with further information regarding the issue of impermeable surfaces. This analysis will be displayed using pie charts and graphs. My contributions will help their Tier 1 requirements of locating the impermeable surfaces and assessing which areas are affected by runoff and flooding. Highlighted areas of interest include schools, main streets, municipal parks, buildings, and utilities in which the Green Infrastructure Action Plan can be implemented. The purpose of this research is to determine how impermeable surfaces have a positive correlation towards stormwater collection which could increase chances of flooding and hazardous runoff to locals and wildlife. My results will depict the correlation between impermeable surfaces and potential flooding and hazardous runoff within the municipality of Montclair Township.