Kyle Abraham’s A.I.M Toward Social Connectivity Through Dance

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Elizabeth McPherson

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:15 PM


In this proposal I will be introducing you to one of the most renowned dance artists of today. Kyle Abraham, founder and artistic director of the dance company A.I.M by Kyle Abraham. Kyle Abraham has truly changed the way black dance is viewed today. His work exemplifies the intimate experiences of the black experience present now whilst exploring a post-modern movement quality and adding elements of his own experience with African American social dance, the greatest presence of it being Hip Hop. I will be shedding light on what these contributions do for the presence of black and queer life and art today, and how it is viewed in society (especially through the lens of dance art). The main research question of this study is how does Kyle Abraham's presence and renown contribute to the representation and widening of artistic possibility of black and queer life (especially in dance)? My methodology for this will be content analysis. I'll be briefly examining the existence of black dance and the presence of black queer artists in the dance field as it relates to today. I will also be touching on Kyle Abraham’s reach and renown, the impact that his reach has in the dance community as well as the perception of society today, the intention of his work and company, how these accomplishments show up in the world socially and politically, and explain how these concepts all tie together in presenting what these contributions do for the presence of black and queer life and art today and how it is viewed in society.

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Apr 26th, 2:15 PM Apr 26th, 3:15 PM

Kyle Abraham’s A.I.M Toward Social Connectivity Through Dance

In this proposal I will be introducing you to one of the most renowned dance artists of today. Kyle Abraham, founder and artistic director of the dance company A.I.M by Kyle Abraham. Kyle Abraham has truly changed the way black dance is viewed today. His work exemplifies the intimate experiences of the black experience present now whilst exploring a post-modern movement quality and adding elements of his own experience with African American social dance, the greatest presence of it being Hip Hop. I will be shedding light on what these contributions do for the presence of black and queer life and art today, and how it is viewed in society (especially through the lens of dance art). The main research question of this study is how does Kyle Abraham's presence and renown contribute to the representation and widening of artistic possibility of black and queer life (especially in dance)? My methodology for this will be content analysis. I'll be briefly examining the existence of black dance and the presence of black queer artists in the dance field as it relates to today. I will also be touching on Kyle Abraham’s reach and renown, the impact that his reach has in the dance community as well as the perception of society today, the intention of his work and company, how these accomplishments show up in the world socially and politically, and explain how these concepts all tie together in presenting what these contributions do for the presence of black and queer life and art today and how it is viewed in society.