Green Space in Montclair Township

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Gregory Pope

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Start Date

26-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:15 PM


Green space development on unused properties in the Township of Montclair will benefit the town and its residents by promoting health, urban heat island mitigation, stormwater management, and biodiversity. As urbanization began to develop and cities and industries started to expand, there has been less green space seen globally. This decrease in green space has led to many harmful environmental impacts such as biodiversity loss, an increase in flooding due to impervious surfaces, an increase in the urban heat, and possibly endangering the health and well-being of people. This paper will study the benefits of green space development in urban areas, specifically Montclair Township, by conducting a cost-benefit analysis, the objective of this analysis is to deduct the financial value of the benefits from the cost and measure if green space development will be a financial asset. This analysis will provide the financial value cost of the benefits of green space such as urban heat island mitigation, flooding mitigation, stormwater management, and the cost of clean air and water retained from real-world case study data from peer-reviewed journals. This study will also address non-monetary values as well, such as mental health and stress relief. The cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach that will assist policymakers in deciding if green space development will be financially valuable to the urban area of Montclair Township based on a fair analysis.

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Apr 26th, 2:15 PM Apr 26th, 3:15 PM

Green Space in Montclair Township

Green space development on unused properties in the Township of Montclair will benefit the town and its residents by promoting health, urban heat island mitigation, stormwater management, and biodiversity. As urbanization began to develop and cities and industries started to expand, there has been less green space seen globally. This decrease in green space has led to many harmful environmental impacts such as biodiversity loss, an increase in flooding due to impervious surfaces, an increase in the urban heat, and possibly endangering the health and well-being of people. This paper will study the benefits of green space development in urban areas, specifically Montclair Township, by conducting a cost-benefit analysis, the objective of this analysis is to deduct the financial value of the benefits from the cost and measure if green space development will be a financial asset. This analysis will provide the financial value cost of the benefits of green space such as urban heat island mitigation, flooding mitigation, stormwater management, and the cost of clean air and water retained from real-world case study data from peer-reviewed journals. This study will also address non-monetary values as well, such as mental health and stress relief. The cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach that will assist policymakers in deciding if green space development will be financially valuable to the urban area of Montclair Township based on a fair analysis.