Policy Changes and Public Opinion Towards Solar Energy in New Jersey

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Aparna Varde

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Start Date

26-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:15 PM


This study examines public sentiment towards the deployment of solar energy in New Jersey, leveraging a multi-modal analysis framework that encompasses data from New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) dockets, social media platforms, and news articles and government press releases. With the state's ambitious renewable energygoals and increasing reliance on solar energy, understanding public opinion is crucial for policymakers, businesses, and stakeholders involved in the energy sector. This research employs advanced sentiment analysis tools—VADER, SentiWordNet, and TextBlob—to dissect a vast dataset, uncovering prevalent attitudes, concerns, and endorsements regarding solar energy deployment. Each tool brings unique strengths to the analysis: VADER's cumulative polarity scores, SentiWordNet's depth in assessing sentiment with reference to context, and TextBlob's approach for subjectivity analysis as well as polarity classification. The findings offer insights into the public’s response to current solar policies, awareness levels, and societal acceptance of solar technologies. This research identifies key themes, concerns, and support areas related to solar energy deployment in New Jersey. The study reveals insights into the effectiveness of current solar energy policies, public awareness, and the social acceptance of solar technology. Additionally, it discusses the implications of public sentiment on future solar energy initiatives and policy formulations in New Jersey. Through a nuanced analysis of diverse voices and opinions, the research highlights the complex interplay between policy, public perception, and renewable energy adoption, offering recommendations for enhancing public engagement and addressing concerns to facilitate a smoother transition towards a sustainable energy future.

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Apr 26th, 2:15 PM Apr 26th, 3:15 PM

Policy Changes and Public Opinion Towards Solar Energy in New Jersey

This study examines public sentiment towards the deployment of solar energy in New Jersey, leveraging a multi-modal analysis framework that encompasses data from New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) dockets, social media platforms, and news articles and government press releases. With the state's ambitious renewable energygoals and increasing reliance on solar energy, understanding public opinion is crucial for policymakers, businesses, and stakeholders involved in the energy sector. This research employs advanced sentiment analysis tools—VADER, SentiWordNet, and TextBlob—to dissect a vast dataset, uncovering prevalent attitudes, concerns, and endorsements regarding solar energy deployment. Each tool brings unique strengths to the analysis: VADER's cumulative polarity scores, SentiWordNet's depth in assessing sentiment with reference to context, and TextBlob's approach for subjectivity analysis as well as polarity classification. The findings offer insights into the public’s response to current solar policies, awareness levels, and societal acceptance of solar technologies. This research identifies key themes, concerns, and support areas related to solar energy deployment in New Jersey. The study reveals insights into the effectiveness of current solar energy policies, public awareness, and the social acceptance of solar technology. Additionally, it discusses the implications of public sentiment on future solar energy initiatives and policy formulations in New Jersey. Through a nuanced analysis of diverse voices and opinions, the research highlights the complex interplay between policy, public perception, and renewable energy adoption, offering recommendations for enhancing public engagement and addressing concerns to facilitate a smoother transition towards a sustainable energy future.