Professional Golf Attendance: A Sport Identification and Country-of-Origin Examination

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Joshua Lupinek

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2024 2:15 PM

End Date

26-4-2024 3:15 PM


This research compares sport identification (ID) levels of professional golf fans and country-of-origin (CoO) attitudes across the PGA TOUR, LPGA, and LIV GOLF circuits in the US. While CoO's influence on product perceptions is established, its application to sport identification remains unexplored. A sample of 3,998 US residents, recruited through CloudResearch Connect, participated in a Qualtrics survey. Results show that 52.2% had attended a professional golf event, with attendance highest for the PGA TOUR (46.47%), followed by LPGA (23.46%) and LIV Golf (12.13%). Participants were predominantly aged 25-44 (64.8%), with 50.7% male and 47.5% female. On a 5-point Likert scale, the average golf ID was 2.21. PGA TOUR had the highest ID (3.12), followed by LPGA (3.57) and LIV Golf (3.68). Regarding CoO attitudes, participants rated the US higher in prestige (M=3.51) and advancement (M=3.80) compared to Saudi Arabia (SA). LIV Golf followers rated both countries higher in prestige and advancement. This study marks a first step in understanding CoO's impact on sport identification, especially in the context of emerging brands like LIV Golf. The findings suggest potential shifts in consumer perceptions and future research directions, particularly in the context of professional golf partnerships and sponsorships. The presentation will examine ID differences among US-based and SA-based golf circuits, and implications for brand loyalty and attitudes pre- and post-merger announcement. Limitations of the study will also be discussed.

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Apr 26th, 2:15 PM Apr 26th, 3:15 PM

Professional Golf Attendance: A Sport Identification and Country-of-Origin Examination

This research compares sport identification (ID) levels of professional golf fans and country-of-origin (CoO) attitudes across the PGA TOUR, LPGA, and LIV GOLF circuits in the US. While CoO's influence on product perceptions is established, its application to sport identification remains unexplored. A sample of 3,998 US residents, recruited through CloudResearch Connect, participated in a Qualtrics survey. Results show that 52.2% had attended a professional golf event, with attendance highest for the PGA TOUR (46.47%), followed by LPGA (23.46%) and LIV Golf (12.13%). Participants were predominantly aged 25-44 (64.8%), with 50.7% male and 47.5% female. On a 5-point Likert scale, the average golf ID was 2.21. PGA TOUR had the highest ID (3.12), followed by LPGA (3.57) and LIV Golf (3.68). Regarding CoO attitudes, participants rated the US higher in prestige (M=3.51) and advancement (M=3.80) compared to Saudi Arabia (SA). LIV Golf followers rated both countries higher in prestige and advancement. This study marks a first step in understanding CoO's impact on sport identification, especially in the context of emerging brands like LIV Golf. The findings suggest potential shifts in consumer perceptions and future research directions, particularly in the context of professional golf partnerships and sponsorships. The presentation will examine ID differences among US-based and SA-based golf circuits, and implications for brand loyalty and attitudes pre- and post-merger announcement. Limitations of the study will also be discussed.