Theses from 2011
The Effect of Music on Emotion : The Role of Personal Preference and Past Experience, Jacy Knaggs
Behavioral Aversion of Two Ranid Frogs to Road Deicers : Does Terrestriality Influence Sensitivity?, Erika Koelmel
Ectoparasites of American Kestrel Nestlings in Northern New Jersey and Their Relationship to Nestling Growth and Breeding Success, Mark Joseph Lesko
The Applications of Graphene and Its Derivatives for Heavy Metal Removal, Clemonne John Madarang
Comparison of Wild Type and Mutant Forms of RET Down-Regulation, Shani Yevgeniya Maslovski
Using a Wiki to Teach College Level Academic Writing, Dawn Moore
Burning Down the House : Reclaiming Homeplace in Gloria Naylor’s Linden Hills and Mama Day, Jenny Elizabeth Mundell
Environmental Magnetism Survey of a Holocene Sedimentary Record from Barilari Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Carl Joseph Natter Jr.
Socioeconomics and the Digital Divide : Access, Literacy, and the Online-Classroom Space at the U.S. Postsecondary Institution, Alison Lorraine Nolan
Are Politics Good For Your Health? Adolescents’ Political Ideology and Health Seeking Behavior, George Olekson Jr.
Effects of Vocal Toning and Bio Acoustics Assessment on Pain and Bio Acoustics Vocal Profile, Crista Marie Orefice
Museum Technology and Scholarship, Mary Martha Perehinec-Germano
Geochemical Analysis and Regional Correlations Bbetween Granitic Gneisses of the Western Hudson Highlands, New York, Elyse Kirsten Peterson
Evaluating the Benefits of Expressive Writing Interventions on Workplace Variables : Job Satisfaction, Stress, and Perceived Well-Being, Amparo Sadovnik
A Molecular Ecological Survey of Tick (Ixodes scapularis) Population Density and Their Infection Rates with Borrelia burgdorferi at the New Jersey School of Conservation, Nathaly M. Salazar-Vasquez
Preparation and X-Ray Crystallographic Studies of Copper N-Methylimidazole Complexes with Substituted N-Phthaloylalaninato Ligands, Mohit Singhal
Escape Rates for Coupled Particles in a Stochastic Environment, Gregory Slusarczyk
Geochemical Analysis of Long Island Sound Sediments, Jaroslaw W. Slusarczyk
Le mythe des troubadours du dix-neuvième siècle, Tatiana Vlasova
An Exploration of Modeling Techniques for the Study of the Dynamics of E-Mail Viruses, Karin Weule
Investigation of Charge Recombination in Escherichia coli Photolyase and Vibrio cholera Cryptochrome DASH, Agnieszka Zieba
Theses from 2010
Overclaiming and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex : A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study, Franco Amati
The Bachelor Narrator Motif in the Sketches of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Carol L. Anderson
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Photographic Schedule to Teach Adults with Autism to Use an Apple iPod®, Melissa M. Anglesea
Medication and Lifestyle Adherence Behaviors in Hypertensive Patients, Alayna B. Berkowitz
Characterization of Contaminant and Biomass-Derived Organic Matter in Sediments from the Lower Passaic River, New Jersey, USA, Nicole Michelle Bujalski
Simultaneous Seismic Imaging and Inversion Using an Inverse Scattering Algorithm for One Dimensional Media, Ashley Ciesla
A Divided Family : Examining the Physical Displacement in Robert Olen Butler’s A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, Alex William Csedrik
Rock Magnetic and Remanence Properties of Both Synthetic Martian Basaltic Intrusions and Dropstones Along the East Antarctic Margin, to Aid in the Understanding of the Carriers of Crustal Magnetic Anomalies, David Michael Cuomo Jr.
Life Beyond The Scarlet Letter, Shauna Ciarco DeMarco
Gods as Parental Figures in Euripides’ Alcestis, Hippolytus, Iphigenia in Aulis and Tauris, Valbone Dushaj
Building the Bond Between Families and Schools, Mary Ann Folkes
Considerations in a Brief Therapy Model for Music Therapy, Justin Francis
The Rhetorical Construction of Reader-Writer Identities in Contemporary Fiction Reviews, Katherine G. Giannisis
Exploring the Strategies Students Use When Reading, Evelyn Gilles
Beyond Berenice : Edgar Allan Poe as a Magazine Editor, Critic, and Supporter of Women, Karen Affinito Greco
Trees in Connected Graphs, Ashish Gupta
Gendered Spaces in James Joyce’s Dubliners, Cynthia J. Hacker
Talus Slope Processes in the Appalachian : An Analysis of Rock Size and Shape on the Shawangunk Ridge, Northwestern New Jersey, Muhammad Hamidul Haque
Ice Sheet Dynamics of the Past 17 Myr in Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: A Heavy Mineral Analysis, Daniel William Hauptvogel
Disrupting Social Order : The Widows of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, Jacklyn Grace Ievoli
Defining a Metaphorical Space to Speak From : Exploring the Relationship Between Women and Place Within Gloria Naylor's The Women of Brewster Place and Toni Morrison's Sula, Adriana Maria Immediate
Petrology and Geochemistry of the Pompton Pink Granite, New Jersey Highlands, Ian Phillip Johnson
The Struggle Between the Self and Not-Self : The Influence of Zen Buddhism and the Upanishads in Yeats’s Later Poetry, William Paul Kadar
The SITAC Approach for Time-Aware Query Translation in Text Archives, Amal Kaluarachchi
Fairway Community College’s English Basic Skills Departmental Exam : Mastery Test Madness, Kelly Alanna Keane
Stimulating Students’ Interest In and Curiosity About Nature Through Frequent and Brief Trips Outdoors, Joanne Claire Kornoelje
Conformational Motion Associated with Catalysis in Indole-3-Glycerol Phosphate Synthase from S. Solfataricus, Tomasz Kurcon
Preparing Low-Income Middle and Secondary Students to Participate Effectively in Academic Discourse Through Writing, Franc Lacinski
La France, economiquement, n'a pas besoin de L'Afrique : mythes et realites du discours de Nicolas Sarkozy a Bamako le 18 Mai 2006, Mohamed Saïd Mesloub
The Effects of Triptolide on Cancer Cells, Michael E. Messina Jr.
Does Introductory Writing Instruction Help Students To Succeed At Montclair State University?, Sean Molloy
A Spectrographic Analysis of American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Vocalizations : Do Broodmates Sound More Like Each Other Than Non-Related Broods?, Erica Gloria Mueller
Discovering the Connections Students Make During Reading, Suzanne Nepomuceno
Observation of Growth Characteristics and Identification of Mercuric Resistance Genes in Synechococcus elongatus sp. 625, Chiedozie Okafor
The Role of Movement Scaling on Quiet Eye Duration During an Aiming Task, Michelle Sachiko Okumura
Development of a Rapid Method for Detection of Bloom-forming Cyanobacteria and Algae in selected New Jersey Waterbodies, Ben Nyabwari Ondimu
The Function of Seduction in Guy De Maupassant's Novels : Bel-Ami, Une Vie and Pierre et Jean, Ilkay Ozdemir
‘But they would not teach her to play’ : Child Heroines, Fantasy, and the Victorian Debate on Female Education, Nicole Papaioannou
A Novel Filarial Parasite (B. malayi) Stress-Activated Protein Kinase as a Potential Drug Target, Akruti Patel
Heavy Metals Zinc and Cadmium Resistance and Metal Effects Within Synechococcus sp. IU 625, Jose Leovigildo Perez
Readiness to Learn and Group Learning : The Effects of Triggers for Learning and Learning Factors on Learning Readiness and Learning Processes, Christopher Michael Pingor
A Mathematical Model of the Biofluidmechanics of the Non-Newtonian Mucus Layer of the Tear Film in the Human Eye, Douglas M. Platt
Purification and Characterization of a Leishmania Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase : A Potentially New Anti-Parasitic Drug Target, Sailaja Sankabathula
On the Numerical Range and Spectrum of the Weighted Shift Operator in [iota]², Gina-Louise Santamaria
Initial Analysis o f the 3' Spliced Region of the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase RET, Ananya Sengupta
Lost in a Lie : Examining the Language of Storytelling, Lying and Untruths in Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Idiot, Demons and The Brothers Karamazov, Anastasia Shamin
A Case of Identity, Robert R. Sillery
Analysis of Potential Mutagenic Effects of World Trade Center Dust on in Vitro Systems, Barbara Domingos Soares
The Effects of Coauthoring on Student Writing, Stacey E. Spector
A Time Series Analysis of the New Jersey Meadowlands Weather and Air Quality Data, Steven Spero
Los hilos históricos y literarios que unen a En el tiempo de las mariposas de Julia Álvarez y Un día en la vida de Manlio Argueta, Ingrid Torres
Simulation of Contaminant Transport from Solid Domestic Waste Disposal Sites in the Warri Deltaic Plain Sands, Warri-Effurun, Nigeria, Charles Onoriode Usiaphre
Range Extension Parameters of the Opportunistic Bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in New Jersey, Katie Elizabeth Vazquez
Using Matrix Pencils to Solve Discrete Sturm-Liouville Problems with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, Michael Kofi Wilson
Emotional Regulation in Online Customer Service : Testing a Model of Emotional Labor, Vivian A. Woo
Theses from 2009
The Undermining of International Human Rights Law : The Clash of Western and Non-Western Human Rights Ideologies, Anahita Agha-Ghassem
Unruly Wives and Dancing Girls : The Objectification of Women in Aristophanic Comedy, Jessica Marie Berhang
Generation of an FSH Inducible Inh-[alpha]-FLAG-gg-ICER I[gamma] Ovarian Specific Gene Construct, Goce Bogdanoski
Migration and Mixing between Populations in Disease Models, David Burger
Implementing Differentiated Strategies During Math Instruction, Jessica Cavaleri
Suicide and Self-Sacrifice in the Works of Arthur Miller, Robert Anthony Coakley
Geochemical and Petrographic Signatures from Marie Byrd Land and Larsen-B Ice Shelf Sediments : Implications for Provenance Tracing, Cathleen Lauren Dale
Utilizing Centers to Enhance My Instruction and Students' Understanding of Math Concepts, Samantha Rowelle Darden
Ridge Subduction Volcanism in the Zeballos Complex, Southern Patagonian Andes, Michael Joseph Dasilva
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Isotopically Labeled Indoles and Electron Transfer Involving Indole (Tryptophan) Radicals, Senghane Dominique Dieng
Much Ado About "Nothings" : Ray Johnson and Fluxus, Tracy DiTolla
Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of Squantum Tillite, Boston Bay Group : Using Field Log and ICP Analysis, Efe Junior Erukanure
Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate of Coastal East Antarctica During the Middle Miocene : Particle Size Results of the ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Candice Joy Falk
Music Therapy and the Families of NICU Infants : A Proposed Program for Development and Implementation, Angela Ferraiuolo-Thompson
A Feminist Revolution on the Popular Front : Muriel Rukeyser's 1930s Poetry, Janis Hubschman
Assessment of Invasive Plants Along the Upper Passaic River, Susan Marie Jankovic
Holocene History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Environmental Magnetic Record from Mac. Robertson Land, Kenneth R. Kacperowski Jr.
Literacy Instruction and the Learning Disabled High School Student : Ideas and Applications for a Mindful Classroom, Suzanne E. Kos
Challenging the Idea of Community : Angels in America, The Laramie Project and Take Me Out, Meghan Kathleen Kurta
A Sedimentary Investigation of Lineation Patterns Found in the Pinelands of New Jersey, Jennifer Lynn Lapoma
“Out of Many, One People” : A Comparative Analysis of Short Fiction by Michelle Cliff, Jennifer Nicole Laster