"Volume 4, No. 2"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children





Contributing Authors

DuPuis, Adrian M. and Robert B. Nordberg. “Education as Ordering A Thomistic­Augustinian View,” from Philosophy and Education and Education: A Total View. 29.

DuPuis, Adrian M. and A. Gray Thompson. “P4C as ‘Pre­Secondary Philosophy’.” 33­35.

Education Commission of the States, The. “The Higher Level Skills: Tomorrow’s ‘Basics’,” from The Information Society: Are High Schools Graduates Ready? 22-­28.

Hare, R.M. “Clarifying Moral Meanings,” from “Language and Moral Education” in New Essays on the Philosophy of Education. 30.

Joos, Martin. “In Explanation of Just About Everything,” from The Five Clocks. 29.

Keen, Sam. “Childhood and Wonder,” from Apology for Wonder. 48-­54.

Martin, Michael. “The Goals of Science Education.” 20-­21.

Mead, Margaret. “Education as Lateral Transmission of Knowledge,” from Why is Education Obsolescent? 30.

Miles, Josephine. “Writing as Reasoning,” from The Use of Reason. 30.

Mostert, Pieter. “P4C Remedy for Education?” 37-­38.

Pears, David. “How Does One Play the Philosophy Game?” from “Wittgenstein and Austin” in Williams and Montefiore. 30.

Sapozhkov, Yuri. “Teaching Morality in Byelorussia’s Classroom,” from Soviet Life. 18­19.

Shideler, Emerson W. “A Protestant Doctrine of Education.” 29.

Schneider, Herbert W. “Education and the Cultivation of Reflection,” from “Schooling, Learning, and Education” in The Educational Forum. 4­-9.

Unknown. “Bibliography­Philosophy for Children.” 39­-43.

Unknown. “Budget of Unreliable Corollaries,” from Logical Machine Corporation. 45-­47.

Unknown. “Recent Adoptions of Philosophy Programs.” 44.

Unknown. “The Craft of Thinking,” from “John Locke” in Collected Papers. 31.

Vendler, Zeno. “On Believing and Knowing,” from “On What We Know” in Language, Mind and Knowledge. 29.

Weinstein, Mark L. and Martin, John F. “Philosophy for Children and the Improvement of Thinking Skills in Queens, New York.” 36.

Welby, Lady Victoria. “Educating for Learning,” from What is Meaning? 10-­17.

Worsley, T.C.; See W.H. Auden and Francis T.C. Wyndham Worsley. “Reading Alice,” from London Review of Books. 31.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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