"Volume 17, Nos. 1 & 2"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children




1, 2

Contributing Authors

Butnor, Ashby. “Bringing Philosophy for Children into the Undergraduate Classroom.” 65-­68.

Colvin, Andrew. “Expanding the Circle of Inquiry: Introducing Philosophy for Children in the People’s Republic of China.” 37­-39.

“The Echo of the Mountain.” Trans Andrew Colvin. 49.

Haiqin, Liu. “The Difference Between Traditional Chinese Teaching Methods and Philosophy for children from the USA.” 47-­48.

Jackson, Thomas E. “Philosophy for Children Hawaiian Style.” 4­-8.

Junjie, Li. “America’s Philosophy for Children Teaching Method and the Development of Children’s Character.” 40-­42.

Kim, Jung Yeup. “The Dao of philosophy for Children.” 69-­72.

Lien, Chinmei. “Making Sense of Evaluation of Philosophy for Children.” 73­-78.

Lukey, Benjamin. “Rethinking Dialogue: Reflections on Philosophy for Children with Autistic Children.” 24­-29.

Matsuoka, Caryn. “Mindful Habits and Philosophy for Children: Cultivating Thinking & Problems­Solving in Children.” 54­-55.

Matthews, Gareth B. “Thinking in Stories: The Island-­Below-­the­-Star by James Rumford.” 1.

Mitias, Lara M. “Philosophy for Children: Philosophy­ Process, Perspective and Pluralism­ for Children.” 17­-23.

McRae, James. “Scratching Beneath the Phenomena: Philosophy for Children as the Practice of Comparative Philosophy.” 30-­36.

Nakamoto, Carolyn M., Mari Sengoku, Bonnie Tabor and Eliot Deutsch. ‘Administrative Perspectives on Philosophy for Children.” 95-­98.

Oho, Linda, Elaine Roumasset, Steve Bein, Laurie Tam, JoAnn Soong, Frances T.Y Higashi and Nathaniel T. Gibbs.“Reflections From Teachers on Philosophy and Teaching.” 84­-94.

Strong, Amber Pennington. “Voyaging to the Outer Limits of Education: Reflections on Philosophy for Children in the Secondary Classroom.” 56-­64.

Tsuchiyama, Elaine. Learning from Children: A Philosophical Journey.” 50­-53.

Yos, Thomas B. “Philosophy for Children and the Cultivation of Good Judgment.” 9­-16.

Yos, Thomas B. “Philosophizing with Mrs. Yoshida’s Third Graders.” 79­-83.

Yuan, Jimei. “The Wisdom Beyond Languages.” 43-­46.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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