"Volume 20, Nos. 3 & 4"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children




3, 4

Contributing Authors

Arroyo, Katya. “Philosophy for Children in Costa Rica.” 83-­89.

Bartels, Rob and Onstenk, Jeroen. “P4D: Philosophy and Democracy in the Classroom.” 45­-55.

Chiapperini, Chiara and Kohan, Walter. “An Interview with Walter Kohan.” 5­-11

Figueiroa­-Rego, Maria. “Building on Lipman’s Legacy: The Creation of a Portuguese P4C Curriculum.” 66­-71.

García Moriyón, Félix. “Review: Beginning Interpretative Inquiry.” 113-­144.

Garside, Darren. “Using Rorty to Consider the Future of P4C.” 20-­26.

IREF. “Assessment of Philosophy for Children in Catalonia.” 95-­97.

Kiritisis, Dimitris. “The Subject of Philosophy in Greek Secondary Education: Students’ Perspective.” 98

Kizel, Arie. “Communication Discourse and Cyberspace Challenges to P4C.” 40-­44.

Lee, Zosimo. “Nurturing Communities of Inquiry in Philippine Schools.” 76-­82.

Marsal, Eva and Dobashi, Takara. “Death in Children’s Construction of the World: A German­Japanese Comparison with Gender Analysis.” 56-­65.

Oliverio, Stefano. “Between the De­-traditionalization and ‘Aurorality’ of Knowledge What (Can) Work(s) in P4C when It Is Set to Work.” 105-­112.

Poulton, Janette. “Is There Any Future for P4C in Australia?” 27-­29.

Retyunskikh, Larisa. “Russian Realities of P4C.” 72-­75.

Shea, Peter. “Thinking in Stories: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.” 3­-4.

Sutcliffe, Roger. “Towards a Kinder Philosophy.” 30-­39.

Wartenberg, Thomas. “Assessing an Elementary School Philosophy Program.” 90-­94.

Yorshansky, Mor. “Students’ Meaning of Power – A Challenge to Philosophy for Children as a Practice of Democratic Education.” 12­-19


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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