"Volume 20, Nos. 1 & 2"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children




1, 2

Contributing Authors

Cassidy, Claire. “Questioning Children.” 62­-68.

Ferreira, Louise Brandes Moura. “Philosophy for Children in Science Class: Children Learning Basic Science Process Skills through Narrative.” 73-­81.

Karaba, Robert. “Reconceptualizing the Aims in Philosophy for Children,” 50­-54.

Kennedy, David. “I Must Change My Life: Review of A Life Teaching Thinking by Matthew Lipman.” 11­-21.

Küçük, Nimet. “The Education of Thinking Course: Innovation in Turkish Schools.” 69­72.

Moriyón, Félix García. “Matthew Lipman: An Intellectual Biography.” 22­-32.

-----­­­­­ “Review: Discussions in Science.” 94-­96.

Murris, Karrin. “Review of Talking about Feelings and Values with Children by Michael Schleiffer with Cynthia Martiny.” 88­-90.

Naji, Saeed and Ghazinezhad, Parvaneh. “An Experience in P4C Some Observations on Philosophy for Children with Iranian Primary School Children.” 82­-87.

Sharp, Ann Margaret with introduction from Juan Carlos Lago Bornstein. “In the Beginning was the Deed: Empowering Children’s Spiritual Consciousness.” 3­-10.

Shea, Peter. “Remembering Gareth Matthews.” 1­-2.

Shuffelton, Amy. “Strictness and Second Chances: Serbian Children’s Ethical Readings of Hogwarts and its Teachers.” 55-­61.

Splitter, Laurance. “Economic Crises and Education: Some Philosophical Reflections.” 44.

Sprod, Tim. “Review of Philosophy in Schools by Michael Hand and Carrie Winstanley (Eds.).” 91-­93.

Striano, Maura and Oliverio, Stefano. “Philosophy for Children: An Educational Path to Philosophy.” 33­-43.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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