Artificial Intelligence Tools and Technologies for Smart Farming and Agricultural Practices
Rajeev Kumar Gupta, Arti Jain, Zhongxian Wang, Santosh Kumar Bharti, and Sumar Patel
Knowledge, Mind and Reality : An Introduction by Early Twentieth-Century American Women Philosophers
Joel Katzav, Krist Vaesen, and Dorothy G. Rogers
La música callada, la soledad sonora: la poesía de lo inefable de Luis Gilberto Caraballo
Diana Guemárez-Cruz
"Este trabajo contempla una colección de ensayos, reseñas y prólogos que he escrito a lo largo de casi dos años en relación con la vasta obra poética del pintor y poeta venezolano Luis Gilberto Caraballo."--Introducción.
Le falsità anti-Stalin di uno scrittore "socialista" : risposta all'articolo di Alex Skopic : "Stalin non sarà mai recuperabile"
Grover Furr and Fabio Rocca
Italian translation of: Anti-Stalin falsehoods from a "socialist" writer -- refuting Alex Skopic's article "Stalin will never be redeemable"
Translator: Fabio Rocca
Preparing to Lead: Narratives of Aspiring School Leaders in a "Post"-COVID World
Patricia Virella, Nathan Tanner, and Darin A. Thompson
Relationship-Based Care for Infants and Toddlers: Fostering Early Learning and Development Through Responsive Practice
Susan L. Recchia, Minsun Shin, and Eleni Loizu
Self-Face Recognition and the Brain: How the Neuroscience of Mirror Recognition Has Changed Psychology, Psychiatry, and Evolution
Julian Keenan, Karina Quevedo, and William D. Hopkins
Stalin : aspettando... la verità
Grover Furr and E F. Rocca
Italian translation of: Stalin, waiting for ... the truth.
Translator: E F Rocca.
Teaching Instrumental Music: Contemporary Perspectives and Pedagogies
Bryan Powell, Kristen Pellegrino, and Quincy C. Hilliard
Technological Leapfrogging and Innovation in Africa : Digital Transformation and Opportunity for the Next Growth Continent
Ethné Swartz, Caren Scheepers, Adam Lindgreen, Shumaila Yousafzai, and Marianne Matthee
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