"Process Writing Instruction in Practice; When Revising Looks Like Edit" by Emily Isaacs

Process Writing Instruction in Practice; When Revising Looks Like Editing

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Journal / Book Title

Journal of Teaching Writing


To better understand the short-term effectiveness of process-writing methodologies, a three-week qualitative study of a ninth grade integrated, untracked English class in an economically and racially diverse suburban-urban community in New Jersey was conducted. During the three week period of study focused on studying and writing a paper related to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, students were engaged in drafting, peer and expert reader review, as well as instructor feedback and guided revision practices. After blind review of first and last drafts by three independent readers, revised student drafts were deemed either "somewhat stronger" or "stronger than first drafts. Evidence of revision varied, yet nearly all students who engaged in revision made choices that improved the quality of their work, according to the three expert readers. This finding confirms the work of other researchers working in different contexts and different historical periods (Bridwell; Chanquoy; Cohen and Scardamalia; Olson, Simmons).

Journal ISSN / Book ISBN


Published Citation

Isaacs, Emily J. 2012. “Process Writing Instruction in Practice: When Revising Looks Like Editing.” Journal of Teaching Writing 27 (1): 91–110.
