This collection features books and other works published by the Montclair State University community. We will start by entering the most recent publications and work our way back to the older ones. We do not have the rights to put the full text of the book or the contents of the performance online. Many titles are in the Library’s collections, so please check the Library’s online catalog for the availability of the works. A booklet was published for the annual University Authors event. PDF versions of the booklet may be found in University Authors in Montclair State University Digital Commons. The booklet ceased publication in 2023. Titles mentioned in the annual University Authors event can now be viewed at University Authors Recognition Program.
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The Enchanting Art of Japan : March 12-April 18, 2015
M. Teresa Lapid Rodriguez and George Segal Gallery
This exhibition catalogue is published in conjunction with the exhibition, "The Enchanting Art of Japan"
What's Race Got To Do With It : How Current School Reform Policy Maintains Racial and Economic Inequality
Bree Picower and Edwin Mayorga
Оболганный сталинизм. Клевета XX съезда = Obolgannyi Stalinizm. Kleveta XX s'ezda
Grover Furr
Revised version of Antistalinskaia Podlost'
苏共二十大 : "秘密报告"与赫魯曉夫的谎言 = Su gong er shi da : mi mi bao gao yu He Lu Xiao Fu de huang yan
Grover Furr and Weixian Ma
Chinese translation of "Антисталинская подлость" (= Khrushchev Lied)
Approaches to Teaching Petrarch's Canzoniere and the Petrarchan Tradition
Christopher Kleinhenz and Andrea Dini
Basic Business Statistics : Concepts and Applications
Mark L. Berenson, David M. Levine, and Kathryn A. Szabat
Chruschtschows Lügen : die Beweise, dass alle "Enthüllungen" über Stalins (und Berias) "Verbrechen" in Nikita Chruschtschows berüchtigter "Geheimrede" auf dem 20. Parteitag der KPdSU am 25. Februar 1956 nachweislich falsch sind
Grover Furr and Johannes Teuber
German translation of "Khrushchev Lied."