Missing Faces from the Orchestra: An Issue of Social Justice?
Document Type
Publication Date
Journal / Book Title
Music Educators Journal
There is a surprising lack of black and Latino musicians in major orchestras in the United States as well as in other venues for classical music. Similarly, many American high school performing ensembles reflect the same underrepresentation. This article examines the literature on race, socioeconomic factors, and urban teaching and provides suggestions for active intervention on the part of music teachers.
Journal ISSN / Book ISBN
ISSN: 0027-4321, ESSN: 1945-0087
MSU Digital Commons Citation
DeLorenzo, Lisa C., "Missing Faces from the Orchestra: An Issue of Social Justice?" (2012). John J. Cali School of Music Scholarship and Creative Works. 31.
Published Citation
DeLorenzo, Lisa C. “Missing Faces from the Orchestra: An Issue of Social Justice?” Music Educators Journal, vol. 98, no. 4, June 2012, pp. 39–46.