“Common” Instruction? Logics of Ability and Teacher Decision Making Across Tracks in the Era of Common Standards
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American Educacional
This article investigates the interaction between the Common Core State Standards and curricular tracking by examining instructional decision making across tracks in a large metropolitan district. This study draws on institutional logics as a framework to analyze 106 instructional decisions from 24 participants involved in middle school literacy instruction. In lower-track classes, participants often adapted the curriculum and adopted a more teacher-centered approach. About half of the rationales for those decisions reflected a logic of tracking, less than a fifth reflected a logic of differentiation, and almost a third reflected elements of both logics. These findings demonstrate that despite common standards, a tracked school structure continues to serve as a powerful signal about the curriculum and instruction seen as appropriate for different groups of students.
Montclair State University Digital Commons Citation
Hodge, Emily, "“Common” Instruction? Logics of Ability and Teacher Decision Making Across Tracks in the Era of Common Standards" (2018). Department of Educational Leadership Scholarship and Creative Works. 3.
Published Citation
Hodge, E. M. (2019). “Common” Instruction? Logics of Ability and Teacher Decision Making Across Tracks in the Era of Common Standards. American Educational Research Journal, 56(3), 638-675. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831218803328