Submissions from 2020
Sources of social support and gender in perceived stress and individual adjustment among Latina/o college-attending emerging adults, Chih Yuan Steven Lee, Sara Goldstein, Bryan J. Dik, and Jose M. Rodas (2020)
Submissions from 2019
Associations between Social Connectedness, Emotional Well-Being, and Self-Rated Health Among Older Adults: Difference by Relationship Status, Ashley Ermer and Christine M. Proulx (2019)
The Impact of Widely Publicized Suicides on Search Trends: Using Google Trends to Test the Werther and Papageno Effects, John F. Gunn, Sara Goldstein, and David Lester (2019)
A Latent Class Analysis of Cognitive Empowerment and Ethnic Identity: An Examination of Heterogeneity Between Profile Groups on Dimensions of Emotional Psychological Empowerment and Social Justice Orientation Among Urban Youth of Color, David T. Lardier, Verónica R. Barrios, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2019)
The Examination of Cognitive Empowerment Dimensions on Intrapersonal Psychological Empowerment, Psychological Sense of Community, and Ethnic Identity Among Urban Youth of Color, David T. Lardier, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2019)
A Study of Psychological Sense of Community as a Mediator Between Supportive Social Systems, School Belongingness, and Outcome Behaviors Among Urban High School Students of Color, David T. Lardier, Ijeoma Opara, Carrie Bergeson, Andriana Herrera, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2019)
Sexual Negotiation Skills and Risky Behavior on Sexual Partnerships, HIV Knowledge, and Risk Perception Among Urban Youth of Colora Latent Class Analysis, David T. Lardier, Ijeoma Opara, Andriana Herrera, Melissa Henry, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2019)
“It All Starts With the Parents”: A Qualitative Study on Protective Factors for Drug-Use Prevention Among Black and Hispanic Girls, Ijeoma Opara, David T. Lardier, Robert Reid, and Pauline Garcia-Reid (2019)
Validation of the Abbreviated Socio‑Political Control Scale for Youth (SPCS‑Y) Among Urban Girls of Color, Ijeoma Opara, Elizabeth I. Rivera Rodas, David T. Lardier, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2019)
Parental Relationship Stability and Parent-Adult Child Relationships in Stepfamilies: A Test of Alternative Models, Raymond E. Petren, David T. Lardier, Jacqueline Bible, Autumn Bermea, and Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield (2019)
Youth Cognitive Empowerment: Development and Evaluation of an Instrument, Paul W. Speer, N. Andrew Peterson, Brian D. Christens, and Robert Reid (2019)
Submissions from 2018
Transgender People’s Reflections on Identity, Faith, and Christian Faith Communities in the U.S., Kristen Benson, Eli Westerfield, and Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield (2018)
Exposure to Gangs in Low-Income Urban Communities and Substance Use Among Hispanic Youth, Autumn M. Bermea, David T. Lardier, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2018)
Undoing Normativities and Creating Family: A Queer Stepfamily’s Experience, Autumn M. Bermea, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Jacqueline Bible, and Raymond E. Petren (2018)
A Systematic Review of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Among Bisexual Women, Autumn M. Bermea, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, and Lyndal Khaw (2018)
A Content Analysis of the First Decade of the Journal of GLBT Family Studies, Jacqueline Bible, Autumn Bermea, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Kristen E. Benson, and April L. Few-Demo (2018)
The Double Bind of Siblings in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment, Jonathan Caspi, David T. Lardier, and Veronica R. Barrios (2018)
Understanding the Influence of Sexual Risk Taking, Ethnic Identity, and Family and Peer Support on School Importance Among Hispanic Adolescents, Pauline Garcia-Reid, David T. Lardier, Robert Reid, and Ijeoma Opara (2018)
A Longitudinal Examination of Social Connectedness and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Adolescents, John F. Gunn, Sara Goldstein, and Constance Gager (2018)
“The System Had Choked Me Too”: Abused Mothers’ Perceptions of the Custody Determination Process that Resulted in Negative Custody Outcomes, Lyndal Khaw, Autumn M. Bermea, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Daniel Saunders, and Angela M. Whittaker (2018)
Preventing Substance Use Among Hispanic Urban Youth: Valuing the Role of Family, Social Support Networks, School Importance, and Community Engagement, David T. Lardier, Veronica R. Barrios, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2018)
The Interacting Effects of Psychological Empowerment and Ethnic Identity on Indicators of Well-Being Among Youth of Color, David T. Lardier, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2018)
The Moderating Effect of Neighborhood Sense of Community on Predictors of Substance Use Among Hispanic Urban Youth, David T. Lardier, Marisa MacDonnell, Veronica R. Barrios, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2018)
Validation of An Abbreviated Sociopolitical Control Scale for Youth Among a Sample of Underresourced Urban Youth of Color, David T. Lardier, Robert Reid, and Pauline Garcia-Reid (2018)
Validation of the Brief Sense of Community Scale Among Youth of Color from An Underserved Urban Community, David T. Lardier, Robert Reid, and Pauline Garcia-Reid (2018)
The Relational Context of Social Support in Young Adults: Links with Stress and Well-Being, Chih-Yuan Lee, Sara Goldstein, and Bryan J. Dik (2018)
Ecological Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Decisions Among Korean Immigrant Mothers in America, Soyoung Lee, Yeon Bai, and Soo Bin You (2018)
"My Life Purpose Is...": Assessment of Youth Purpose in Context, Miriam R. Linver and Jennifer Brown Urban (2018)
Mixed methods in youth purpose: An examination of adolescent self-regulation and purpose, Miriam R. Linver, Jennifer Brown Urban, Marissa MacDonnell, E. Danielle Roberts, Johanna Quinn, Satabdi Samtani, Rachel Doubledee, Lauren Gama, and Derek Morgan (2018)
“My Life Purpose is…” Assessment of Youth Purpose in Context, Miriam Linver and Jennifer Urban (2018)
Immigrants Coping with Transnational Deaths and Bereavement: The Influence of Migratory Loss and Anticipatory Grief, Olena Nesteruk (2018)
Longitudinal Associations Between Formal Volunteering and Cognitive Functioning, Christine M. Proulx, Angela L. Curl, and Ashley Ermer (2018)
Developing the next generation of engaged youth: Inspire Aspire – Global Citizens in the Making, Jennifer Brown Urban, Miriam R. Linver, Sara K. Johnson, Marissa MacDonnell, Lisa M. Chauveron, Monica B. Glina, and Lauren Gama (2018)
Evaluating Youth Character Development Programs Using Evolutionary Evaluation and the Systems Evaluation Protocol, Jennifer Urban, Miriam Linver, Julie Thompson, Ronnie Davidson, and David Lorimer (2018)
A Content Analysis of LGBT Research in Top Family Journals 2000-2015, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, April L. Few-Demo, Kristen Benson, Jacqueline Bible, and Shannon Lummer (2018)
Submissions from 2017
Living Apart Together Relationships in Later Life: Constructing an Account of Relational Maintenance, Jacquelyn Benson, Steffany Kerr, and Ashley Ermer (2017)
Mental and Active Preparation: Examining Variations in Women’s Processes of Preparing to Leave Abusive Relationships, Autumn M. Bermea, Lyndal Khaw, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Lindsay Rosenbloom, and Craig Salerno (2017)
Deconstructing Attitudes About Intimate Partner Violence and Bystander Intervention: The Roles of Perpetrator Gender and Severity of Aggression, Ashley Ermer, Andrea L. Roach, Marilyn Coleman, and Lawrence Ganong (2017)
Bullying and Suicidal Behavior During Adolescence: A Developmental Perspective, John F. Gunn and Sara Goldstein (2017)
Coparenting Relationship Trajectories: Marital Violence Linked to Change and Variability After Separation, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Brian G. Ogolsky, Marcela Raffaelli, Angela Whittaker, Kimberly A. Crossman, Megan L. Haselschwerdt, Elissa Thomann Mitchell, and Lyndal Khaw (2017)
Extending Systems Thinking in Planning and Evaluation Using Group Concept Mapping and System Dynamics to Tackle Complex Problems, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Jennifer Urban, Leah Frerichs, and Gaurav Dave (2017)
The Relationship between Sexual Minority Status and Suicidal Ideations among Urban Hispanic Adolescents, David T. Lardier, Autumn M. Bermea, Stacy A. Pinto, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2017)
Relationships Between (Step)Parents and Adult (Step)Children: Explaining Influences on Life Satisfaction and Marital Quality, David T. Lardier, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Carly Nacer, Rachel Hull, and Scott Browning (2017)
Associations Among Stress, Gender, Sources of Social Support, and Health in Emerging Adults, Chih-Yuan Lee and Bryan J. Dik (2017)
Group-Based Trajectory Modeling of Marital Quality: A Critical Review, Christine M. Proulx, Ashley Ermer, and Jeremy B. Kanter (2017)
HIV Testing Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Adolescents Living in An Urban Community, Robert Reid, David T. Lardier, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Danlin Yu (2017)
Submissions from 2016
Unforgiveness, Depression, and Health in Later Life: The Protective Factor of Forgivingness, Ashley Ermer and Christine M. Proulx (2016)
Conflict Or Divorce? Does Parental Conflict and/or Divorce Increase the Likelihood of Adult Children’s Cohabiting and Marital Dissolution?, Constance Gager, Scott T. Yabiku, and Miriam Linver (2016)
Understanding How Family Science Interns Conceptualize Social Justice, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Bradley Forenza, Robert Reid, Caitlin Eckert, and David T. Lardier (2016)
Adolescents’ Disclosure and Secrecy About Peer Behavior: Links with Cyber Aggression, Relational Aggression, and Overt Aggression, Sara Goldstein (2016)
Marital Violence and Co-parenting Quality After Separation, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Kimberly A. Crossman, Lyndal Khaw, and Marcela Raffaelli (2016)
Suicidal Ideation Among Suburban Adolescents: The Influence of School Bullying and Other Mediating Risk Factors, David T. Lardier, Veronica R. Barrios, Pauline Garcia-Reid, and Robert Reid (2016)
Potentially Traumatic Experiences, Academic Performance, and Psychological Distress: The Role of Shame, Chih-Yuan Lee, Jared R. Anderson, and Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (2016)
Loneliness, Stress, and Social Support in Young Adulthood: Does the Source of Support Matter?, Chih-Yuan Lee and Sara Goldstein (2016)
Evaluating Programs Aimed At Promoting Positive Youth Development: A Relational Development Systems-Based View, Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner, Jennifer Urban, and Jon Zaff (2016)
Intentional Self Regulation and Positive Youth Development: Implications for Youth Development Programs, Miriam R. Linver, Jennifer Brown Urban, and Lisa M. Chauveron (2016)
A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Intentional Self Regulation and Youth Beliefs about the Chances of Achieving Future Aspirations, Miriam R. Linver, Jennifer Brown Urban, and Marissa MacDonnell (2016)
Gay Men’s (Non)Monogamy Ideals and Lived Experience, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Kevin Malloy, and Kristen Benson (2016)
Submissions from 2015
Adolescents’ Perceived Control in the Sociopolitical Domain: A Latent Class Analysis, Brian D. Christens, N. Andrew Peterson, Robert Reid, and Pauline Garcia-Reid (2015)
Parent and Teacher Support Among Latino Immigrant Youth: Effects on School Engagement and School Trouble Avoidance, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Christina Hamme Peterson, and Robert Reid (2015)
Parental Regulation of Online Behavior and Cyber Aggression: Adolescents’ Experiences and Perspectives, Sara Goldstein (2015)
The Influence of Divorcing Mothers' Demeanor on Custody Evaluators' Assessment of Their Domestic Violence Allegations, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Jason D. Hans, Megan L. Haselschwerdt, Lyndal Khaw, and Kimberly A. Crossman (2015)
Latino Mothers’ and Fathers’ Caregiving with Their School-Age Children, Ziarat Hossain, Soyoung Lee, and Ashley Martin-Cuellar (2015)
Perceptions of Boundary Ambiguity in the Process of Leaving An Abusive Partner, Lyndal Khaw and Jennifer L. Hardesty (2015)
Development of Ethnic Identity in Young Adults from Immigrant Families: “I Want to Hold Onto My Roots, But I Also Want to Experience New Routes”, Olena Nesteruk, Nicole Marie Helmstetter, Alexandra Gramescu, Mona Hammad Siyam, and Christine A. Price (2015)
What to Expect When You Retire: By Women for Women, Christine A. Price and Olena Nesteruk (2015)
You Moved Up, Did You Forget Us? The Influence of African American Intra-Familial Social Mobility on Extended Family Relationships, Pearl Stewart (2015)
Attitudes and Perceptions of Suicide and Suicide Prevention Messages for Asian Americans, Priyata Thapa, Yoonhee Sung, David A. Klingbeil, Chih-Yuan Lee, and Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (2015)
Relationships Between Quantitative Measures of Evaluation Plan and Program Model Quality and a Qualitative Measure of Participant Perceptions of An Evaluation Capacity Building Approach, Jennifer Urban, Marissa Burgermaster, Thomas Archibald, and Alyssa Byrne (2015)
The Social, Political, and Judicial Contexts of Queer Marriage in the United States, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield and Ariel Alvarez (2015)
Submissions from 2014
An Ecological Approach to Experiential Learning in an Inner-City Context, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Robert Reid, and Bradley Forenza (2014)
An Ecological Approach to Experiential Learning in An Inner-City Context, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Robert Reid, and Bradley Forenza (2014)
Intergenerational Solidarity and Individual Adjustment During Emerging Adulthood, Chih-Yuan Lee, Bryan J. Dik, and Lauren A. Barbara (2014)
Let Our Voices Be Heard: Urban Minority Adolescents Share Their Perspectives Regarding Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Messages, Robert Reid, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Bradley Forenza, Caitlin Eckert, Melissa Carrier, and Stephanie Drag (2014)
Using Culturally Affirming, Thematically Appropriate Bibliotherapy to Cope with Trauma, Pearl Stewart and Gwendolyn Parker Ames (2014)
Evolutionary Evaluation: Implications for Evaluators, Researchers, Practitioners, Funders and the Evidence-Based Program Mandate, Jennifer Urban, Monica Hargraves, and William M. Trochim (2014)
A Conditional Process Model Explaining Partnered Gay Men's Perceived Relationship Stability, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield and Kristen E. Benson (2014)
Submissions from 2013
Going-to-Scale with the Early Risers Conduct Problems Prevention Program: Use of a Comprehensive Implementation Support (CIS) System to Optimize Fidelity, Participation and Child Outcomes., Michael L. Bloomquist, Gerald J. August, Susanne S. Lee, Chih-Yuan Lee, George M. Realmuto, and Bonnie Klimes-Dougan (2013)
The protective effects of sense of community, multigroup ethnic identity, and self-esteem against internalizing problems among Dominican youth: Implications for social workers, Pauline Garcia-Reid, Christina Hamme Peterson, Robert Reid, and N. Andrew Peterson (2013)
Parenting Practices and the Early Socialisation of Relational Aggression Among Preschoolers, Sara Goldstein and Paul Boxer (2013)
Coercive Control and Abused Women's Decisions About Their Pets When Seeking Shelter, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Lyndal Khaw, Marcella D. Ridgway, Cheryl Weber, and Teresa Miles (2013)
Faith, Conversion, and Challenge: A Qualitative Study of Chinese Immigrant Christian Marriage (in the USA), Yaxin Lu, Loren D. Marks, Olena Nesteruk, Michael Goodman, and Loredana Apavaloaie (2013)
Examining Tobacco Outlet Concentration in New Jersey: Does Income and Ethnicity Matter?, Robert Reid, Cory M. Morton, Pauline Garcia-Reid, N. Andrew Peterson, and Danlin Yu (2013)
Ethnic Variations in Factors Contributing to the Life Satisfaction of Migrant Wives in South Korea, Miai Sung, Meejung Chin, Jaerim Lee, and Soyoung Lee (2013)
Submissions from 2012
Family Policy in South Korea: Development, Current Status, and Challenges, Meejung Chin, Jaerim Lee, Soyoung Lee, Seohee Son, and Miai Sung (2012)
A Qualitative Exploration of Why Faith Matters in African American Marriages and Families, Loren Marks, Katrina Tanner, Olena Nesteruk, Cassandra Chaney, and Jennifer Baumgartner (2012)
Dating and Mate Selection Among Young Adults from Immigrant Families, Olena Nesteruk and Alexandra Gramescu (2012)
Explaining Couple Cohesion in Different Types of Gay Families, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Kay Pasley, Margaret Crosbie-Burnett, and Erin King (2012)
Submissions from 2011
Attitudes Toward Dating Violence Among College Students in Mainland China: An Exploratory Study, Jared R. Anderson, Wen Chi Chen, Matthew D. Johnson, Sarah E. Lyon, Chih-Yuan Lee, Fuming Zheng, Gary C. Ratcliffe, and F. Ryan Peterson (2011)
Educational Aspiration-Expectation Discrepancies: Relation to Socioeconomic and Academic Risk-Related Factors, Paul Boxer, Sara Goldstein, Tahlia DeLorenzo, Sarah Savoy, and Ignacio Mercado (2011)
Relational Aggression in Young Adults' Friendships and Romantic Relationships, Sara Goldstein (2011)
Lesbian/Bisexual Mothers and Intimate Partner Violence: Help Seeking in the Context of Social and Legal Vulnerability, Jennifer L. Hardesty, Ramona F. Oswald, Lyndal Khaw, and Carol Fonseca (2011)
Financial Stress, Parental Depressive Symptoms, Parenting Practices, and Children's Externalizing Problem Behaviors: Underlying Processes, Chih-Yuan Lee, Jaerim Lee, and Gerald J. August (2011)
Self-Regulation Processes and Thriving in Childhood and Adolescence: A View of the Issues., Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner, Edmond P. Bowers, Selva Lewin-Bizan, Steinunn Gestsdottir, and Jennifer Urban (2011)
Youth Activity Involvement and Positive Youth Development, Megan Kiely Mueller, Selva Lewin-Bizan, and Jennifer Urban (2011)
Youth Development Program Participation and Intentional Self-Regulation Skills: Contextual and Individual Bases of Pathways to Positive Youth Development, Megan Kiely Mueller, Erin Phelps, Edmond P. Bowers, Jennifer P. Agans, Jennifer Urban, and Richard M. Lerner (2011)
Parenting in Immigration: Experiences of Mothers and Fathers from Eastern Europe Raising Children in the United States, Olena Nesteruk and Loren D. Marks (2011)
Retired Women and Volunteering: The Good, the Bad, and the Unrecognized, Olena Nesteruk and Christine A. Price (2011)
Developmental Systems Science: Exploring the Application of Systems Science Methods to Developmental Science Questions, Jennifer Urban, Nathaniel D. Osgood, and Patricia L. Mabry (2011)
Same-Sex Relationships and Dissolution: The Connection Between Heteronormativity and Homonormativity, Bradley van Eeden-Moorefield, Christopher R. Martell, Mark Williams, and Marilyn Preston (2011)