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Kxanuw! (I have it!) is modeled after bingo. This version allows players to practice plant and animal names, engaging listening comprehension, speaking, and visual recognition. The game kit includes instructions, a caller's card, and printable player cards.
Publication Date
Summer 2023
animals, bingo, food, games, interactive, Munsee, Lenape, language perserverance, language revitalization, plants, TPR, vocabulary
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Linguistic Anthropology | Other Linguistics
Recommended Citation
Fucci, Kira and Bager, Camilla, "Kxanuw! (Miichuwaakan waak Aweeyayusak)" (2023). Games. 2.
![Kxanuw! (Miichuwaakan waak Aweeyayusak)](
Included in
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Linguistic Anthropology Commons, Other Linguistics Commons
Created by students in Anth 102: Linguistic Anthropology in close collaboration with language teacher Nikole Pecore (Stockbridge-Munsee Band of the Mohican Indian Nation) during the Spring 2023 semester.