New Jersey English Journal
Volume 3 (2014) New Jersey English Journal
Front Matter, Editor's Note, Table of Contents
Editorial Staff
Reading Communities in the Classroom and Beyond: Repurposing
Reading and Nurturing Lifelong Readers
Jennifer l. Felt, Melissa L. Guerrette, and Justin M. Stygles
“I’ve Learned All This . . . So What?”
Meg Donhauser, Heather Hersey, Cathy Stutzman, and Marci Zane
Ideas for Using Informational Text to Teach Literature: A Model Based
on To Kill a Mockingbird
Audrey A. Fisch and Susan Chenelle
Contemporary Literacies Beyond the Classroom: A Teacher Seeks Out Participatory Culture
Lauren Zucker
Connecting The Language Arts Core Curriculum to the Global Economy
Liz deBeer, Tiffany Gross, and Ginger Wardell
You Have the Right to Remain Silent… But a Voice to Make a
Difference! (Ten Starting Points for Introducing “Social Justice” in
Your Language Arts Classroom)
Michael James D’Amato
To Be or Not to Be
M. Jerry Weiss
James T. Farrell: Worthy of Appreciation
Walter H. Johnson
The Incorporation of Education
Joseph S. Pizzo
First Period
Anne Wessel Dwyer
No Imagination
Ann M. DeVenezia