New Jersey English Journal
Volume 4 (2015) New Jersey English Journal
Front Matter, Editor's Note, Table of Contents
Editorial Staff
Multimodal Digital Assessments in the English Language Arts Classroom: Designing Literacy Tasks Using Digital Technology
Jennnifer Kingma Wall
The Common Core State Standards and Service Learning: A Process versus Product Approach
Maureen Connolly, Alison Buske, and Brian Garsh
“Survey Says!”: Feedback to Create a Culture of Self-Assessment
Oona Marie Abrams
Who Likes to Get Weighed? Reflections on Assessment by a Teacher and a Student
Liz deBeer and Meg West
Robert McCloskey’s Centennial Celebration: A Fitting Tribute
Walter H. Johnson
Pearl Grey River with Blue Blue Boats
Patricia Bender
Uncommon Core; Extraordinary Care
Joseph S. Pizzo