Coriolan Ardouin

Anacaona (exerpt from Floranna la Fiancée) / Anacaona



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Coriolan Ardouin

Translation By

Daniel Buchwald

Translator Biography

Daniel Buchwald is a retired high school ESL teacher. He likes horse racing.

Publication Date



“Anacaona," original poem inspired by the first stanza of Coriolan Ardouin's “Floranna la Fiancée”


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Anacaona (exerpt from Floranna la Fiancée) / Anacaona

“Anacaona," original poem inspired by the first stanza of Coriolan Ardouin's “Floranna la Fiancée”

Original Work

Floranna la fiancée (extrait)

Anacaona la reine,

Voyant que le ciel est pur,

Qu’un souffle berce la plaine,

Que la lune dans l’azur

Se perd ; voyant sur la grève

La mer que nul vent ne soulève

Mourir tranquille et sans voix [...]

La reine Anacaona ;

Soir voluptueux, les brises,

Des senteurs les plus exquises

Parfument Xaragua.

Un extrait de « Floranna la Fiancée » de C. Ardouin (Berrou 157-158)

Read by Laetitia Zicchinella

Translated Work


Anacaona, golden skin, india, cacique

Heaven’s azure, thy charms pure do display

Thy scent the Sea of Caribe.

Ay de mi, ay de mi, ay de mi.

Not a rustle of the feather,

the feather cloak of the sea, of the sea, of the sea;

silent, abandoned, Anacaona.

Ay de mi, ay de mi, ay de mi.

The caress of an exquisite breeze

hints of the unspoken plea unheeded, of the captive Anacaona.

Ay de mi, ay de mi, ay de mi.

And the sea never rises nor whimpers a sigh,

Not of thee, not of thee, not of thee.

Taino queen of the stolen, of the stolen and the lost Ay-ti

Lost and alone Anacaona, ay de mi, ay de mi, ay de mi.

Original poem inspired by Ardouin’s vision of Anacoana. Composed by Daniel Buchwald, 2022